

CPMS Standard 25: Nutrition and Child Protection

Standard: Children and their caregivers, especially pregnant and lactating women and girls, have access to safe, adequate and appropriate nutrition services.

CPMS Standard 26: WASH and Child Protection

Standard: All children have access to appropriate water, sanitation and hygiene services that support their dignity and minimise risks of physical and sexual violence and exploitation

CPMS Standard 27: Shelter and Settlement and Child Protection

Standard: All children and their caregivers have appropriate shelter that meets their basic needs, including safety, protection and accessibility.

CPMS Standard 28: Camp Management and Child Protection

Standard: Camp management activities address the needs and protection concerns of children affected by forced displacement.

CPMS Standard 21: Food security and child protection

Standard: All children affected by humanitarian crises live in food secure environments that mitigate and respond to child protection risks.

CPMS Standard 22: Livelihoods and child protection

Standard: Caregivers and working-age children have access to adequate support to strengthen their livelihoods.

CPMS Standard 23: Education and Child Protection

Standard: All children have access to quality education that is protective and inclusive and that promotes dignity and participation throughout all essential activities.

CPMS Pillar 4 Standards to work across sectors

An introduction to the Child Protection Minimum Standards Pillar 4: Standards to work across sectors.

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Primary Prevention for the Protection of Children and Adolescents in Humanitarian Action! What will you learn? The Primary Prevention Framework for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action was published by the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action in 2021. The Alliance's Learning and...

Webinar | Integrating Child Protection into the Design and Operation of Isolation and Treatment Centers

We hope you will join our global and regional experts for the second webinar of the Child Protection and Health Integration During Infectious Disease Outbreaks series, Integrating Child Protection into the Design and Operation of Isolation and Treatment Centers: Key considerations and adaptations to...

Call for Good Practices on Child Rights Legislative Reform

The UNICEF Human Rights Unit is partnering with the University of Leiden to develop an up-to-date, user-friendly website to guide Governments in incorporating the Convention on the Rights of the Child in their national legislation, including advice on both the process and the content. The website...

New Video Series! Primary Prevention for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action

Watch this short video series to learn about Primary Prevention and the importance of prevention for the protection of children in humanitarian action. Videos series includes: What is Prevention? - Learn about the three levels of prevention in child protection in humanitarian action. Why Invest in...

CPHA Learning Resource Mapping

The Child Protection in Humanitarian Action Learning Resource Mapping supports CPHA sectoral L&D efforts in different ways: Firstly, it allows us to gather a better understanding of gaps in the learning opportunities offer, and guide recommendations for further investments Secondly, if kept updated...

Webinar Series | Child Protection and Health Integration During Infectious Disease Outbreaks

Children are often the most vulnerable group in major infectious disease outbreaks, either directly from the disease itself or the indirect effects such as disruption to essential services and movement restrictions. With recent Ebola outbreaks in Uganda and DRC and an unprecedented number of cholera...

Guidance Note | Supporting Integrated Child Protection and Education Programming in Humanitarian Action

This Guidance Note supports the Alliance and INEE’s CPHA-EiE Joint Initiative by orienting both sectors to opportunities for program integration. Through collaboration, both sectors aim to deliver on the Sustainable Development Goal 4 to provide/ensure “inclusive and equitable quality education and...

CCCM, Health & Child Protection: Practitioners’ Feedback on Inter-Sectoral Collaboration

Strengthening cross-sectoral collaboration is a strategic priority for the Alliance. This publication explores promising practices and missed opportunities in cooperation between Camp Coordination and Camp Management and Child Protection, and Health and Child Protection.

Education & Child Protection: A Review of Good Practice on Inter-Sectoral Collaboration

This document aims to extract lessons from country- and local-level practice of collaboration between Education in Emergencies and Child Protection actors across diverse contexts. Where possible, the focus is on what works at the level of the school or learning space. The challenges section touches...

Preventing and Responding to Child Labour in Humanitarian Action

What will you learn? The Inter-Agency Toolkit: Preventing and Responding to Child Labour in Humanitarian Action and accompanying learning package were released by the Child Labour Task Force in 2022. The Child Labour Task Force of the Alliance in collaboration with the Global CP AoR would like to...

Working Together

How do we, as humanitarian workers, effectively collaborate to improve children’s protection and well-being? This Inter-Sectoral Framework aims to serve as a collective steer for doing just that: centring children and their protection needs across all programs, sectors, and responses. It has been co...

The Three Levels of Prevention

Children are often the first victims in Humanitarian Crises. Learn about the 3 levels of prevention from the Primary Prevention Framework to prevent harm to children before it occurs.

The 2023 Annual Meeting Theme Survey - Share your ideas!

Please complete this quick survey to share your ideas for the theme of the 2023 Annual Meeting for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action! The survey is available in English, French, Spanish and Arabic. These are some examples of themes that have been the focus of past annual meetings: The...

CPMS Slide Deck

These are ready-to-use PowerPoint presentations to help you advocate for implementing the Child Protection Minimum Standards in your organization and build its capacity to do so. They cover the CPMS Principles, its four Pillars and the 28 Standards. They also exist in Arabic, French and Spanish.

MOOC | Programme Design for Children Associated with Armed Forces and Armed Groups (CAAFAG)

This six-week (3h per week) course from the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action will introduce the key concepts of programme design for CAAFAG and contextualise your design within the legal and normative framework. The course is self-paced and sponsored for all field practitioners...

New MOOC! Programme Design for Children Associated with Armed Forces and Armed Groups (CAAFAG)

Our Massive Open Online Course on programme development for CAAFAG is now available is English, and soon in French and Spanish. This six-week (3h per week) course from the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action will introduce the key concepts of programme design for CAAFAG and...

Capacity Sharing among Local and International Actors to Deliver Humanitarian Action

Background: The Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) is the highest-level humanitarian coordination forum of the United Nations system which It brings together the executive heads of 18 organizations and consortia to formulate policy, set strategic priorities and mobilize resources in response to...