Inter-agency Child Protection Case Mangement Standard Operating Procedures

Inter-agency Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) guide Child Protection Case Management programming in humanitarian settings by enabling service providers to harmonise and standardise services and approaches for children and families. Many achievements have been made in rolling out SOPs in different contexts. However, in the absence of inter-agency guidance on how to develop SOPs, the scope and quality of SOPs vary – thus affecting their application.
Therefore, the Global Case Management Task Force under the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action produced this guidance document, in recognition of a need for practical guidance on how to develop inter-agency SOPs. The aim of this guide is to encourage a structured approach to developing SOPs for CPCM in humanitarian settings.
This guidance is designed for use in humanitarian settings (including protracted crises), although it could be adapted to development settings as well. Similarly, this guide aims to promote and standardise an inter-agency approach to developing SOPs for CPCM, but it could be adapted for contexts where single actors are providing CPCM to complement or support the work of the functioning national authorities.
This guidance is to be used together with the Inter-agency Child Protection Case Management Standard Operating Procedures Template.