A Research Summary by and for Young People | Children during COVID-19 : How were they impacted by school closures and what we can learn for the future?

Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies
Proteknôn Foundation for Innovation and Learning
Save the Children
The Alliance
This summary was written by seventeen research and round table participants aged 12 to 17 years from Colombia, Democratic Republic of Congo and Lebanon, Laura Lee (Proteknôn) and Bethel Lulie (Proteknôn), with support from Elspeth Chapman (The Alliance), Amanda Brydon (Save the Children International), Jonas Habimana and Joel Kiramba (BIFERD), Andres Ospina (CINDE) and Dr. Bassel Akar (Notre Dame University).
We acknowledge, with gratitude, the contributions of all of the children, young people, families and communities who contributed their experience and ideas during the three-country research to shape this brief.
This Summary by and for young people is available in Arabic, English, French and Spanish.