Infographic Deadline 25 April - Call for Abstracts for the 2023 Annual Meeting!

The Alliance
Abstract Update!
Thank you those who submitted an abstract for either a knowledge/practice or strategic advocacy session. We are currently in the review process and will email if your submission has been accepted by 16 April 2023.
But... the opportunity to submit an Infographic for the virtual gallery is still open! Please submit your proposed infographic by 25 April 2023 by using the forms below.
Key Dates for your Diary:
- 10 February: Request for mentorship deadline
- 24 February: Abstract submission deadline
- 16 April: Confirmation of selected abstracts and sessions and confirmation of briefing and training dates.
- 17-28 April: Briefing and training of speakers and facilitators. During this time you will need to be available for some online meetings to prepare your session. After this you will be linked with your Alliance focal point or facilitator.
- 25 April: Infographic submission deadline
- 25 and 26 May: Briefing of infographic presenters
- 25 May: Deadline for final Infographics.
- 26 May: Deadline for final content. We will agree with you on an earlier deadline for draft content which may include the session plan, speaker notes, biographies and powerpoint slides.
- Week commencing 5th June: The week before the event, all speakers will need to attend a 30 minute session run-through at an allocated time. This is not optional, so please build it into your planning.
Infographic Submission: *Individual Form Linked Below
Knowledge / practice exchange and technical discussion: Sharing your / your organisation’s knowledge / practice or technical lessons / reflections
1A) Infographics (unlimited):
- These 1-page visuals bring an idea to life and communicate it simply and clearly to readers. Infographics do not need to link with other submissions into a session, so can work well for very specific examples.
- Infographics will be displayed in a gallery on our Community of Practice (see last year’s infographics here).
- There will be space for authors to discuss the content with meeting participants during the break times if they wish. These spaces may be particularly useful for networking and consulting on emerging ideas and areas for collaboration.
- Infographic Submission Form - Open until 25 April
Next Steps:
- In the Abstract Submission Form, you will find link to the individual Infographic form to complete with information about your proposed graphic - to *Infographic Deadline* 25 April
- In the Abstract Submission Guidance below, you will find further guidance on suggested areas of focus, based on the results of our recent theme survey, and information on the criteria we will use to review and select the abstracts we receive. You may use these to inform your submissions.