

The 2022 Annual Meeting for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action

The 2021 Annual Meeting on Child Protection in Humanitarian Action was held from the 4th to 8th of October over a virtual platform, where Child Protection actors had an opportunity to come together and exchange knowledge and experience, while networking with other agencies, academics, policy makers...

Children Affected by Armed Forces and Armed Groups Learning Module

Course aim: To introduce key approaches and processes in remote CAAFAG programming during COVID-19 and other IDOs. Course objectives: By the end of the course, participants will be able to: • Describe considerations to safely continue verification of reports remotely • Describe the process of safely...

Learning Series: Using Digital Platforms for Remote Programming Safely

Description coming soon

Resource Package | Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in CAAFAG Programmes

The CAAFAG Task Force was pleased to contributed to the Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in CAAFAG Programmes Learning Package. The MHPSS in CAAFAG Programmes Resource Package (field-test version) is an inter-agency package of resources that aims to support the integration of MHPSS into...

Mini Guide #1 | Child Protection in Outbreaks: Adapting child protection programming in infectious disease outbreaks

This Mini-Guide is designed primarily for child protection practitioners and the social service workforce in settings impacted by infectious disease outbreaks. It provides an overview of why and how to adapt national and community-level child protection interventions during outbreaks. The focus is...

Mini Guide #2 | Child Protection in Outbreaks: Advocating for the centrality of children and their protection in infectious disease outbreaks

This Mini-Guide is designed primarily for child protection practitioners and managers in settings impacted on by infectious disease outbreaks. It can also be used by coordinators of inter-agency groups or technical task forces, members of the social service workforce, and actors in health, mental...

Mini Guide #3 | Child Protection in Outbreaks: Collaborating with the health sector in infectious disease outbreaks

National and global efforts to prevent, respond to, and recover from outbreaks are typically led by the health sector, even when interventions are multi-sectoral in nature. This Mini-Guide demonstrates how and why child protection considerations can and should be integrated into outbreak management...

Mini Guide #4 | Child Protection in Outbreaks: Communicating with children in infectious disease outbreaks

Talking with and listening to children are not done in the same way as with adults. Children have different communication needs based on their age, stage of development, and other individual characteristics. This Mini-Guide is primarily for child protection and health practitioners. It can also be...

Assessment of Alliance COVID-19 Activities: A Summary

From the earliest stages of the pandemic, The Alliance found itself at the forefront of supporting child protection practitioners across the world to adapt to the realities of the world under COVID-19. In March 2020, The Alliance formed an inter-agency task team to produce and disseminate technical...

Child Protection Advocacy Messages for Ukraine

These advocacy messages have been developed to support advocacy efforts conducted by Alliance members and wider humanitarian actors responding to/working on the Ukraine crisis response. The messages are categorised by issues and themes and include recommendations for donors, humanitarian agencies...

Registration Open Now: The 2022 Annual Meeting for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action

The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action (the Alliance) is organizing the 2022 Annual Meeting for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action over a virtual platform from the 20th to 22nd of June. This will include discussions dedicated to the theme of the annual meeting: Promoting the...

«Hannah’s New Job» — Becoming a Child Protection Practitioner in Humanitarian Settings

Please meet Hannah! Today, she is starting to work as a Child Protection Officer. Hannah is very committed to child protection, but she also has a lot to learn like any newcomer to a professional field. This video accompanies Hannah during her first days and weeks at work. We see Hannah stretching...

Guidance | Unaccompanied and Separated Children (UASC) Information Sheet

The Unaccompanied and Separated Children (UASC) Task Force is proud to share this Information Sheet to respond to the Ukraine crisis. While recognising the leadership of national governments and ministries in the care and protection of children on their territory, the UASC Information Sheet serves...

Hot Off the Press from the CAAFAG Task Force - April 2022

MHPSS in CAAFAG Programmes Resource Package: It is an inter-agency package of resources that aims to support the integration of MHPSS into programmes for the prevention, release, and reintegration of children associated with armed forces and armed groups. The resource package is the result of a...

Coming Soon from the L&D Working Group!

The L&D WG is working on several products but the ones that are really close to being available are: 1) A one day learning package on the CPHA Primary Prevention Framework is going to be available as of the end of April 2022 in English. We are looking for funds/support to translate in other...

New Co-Leading Agency of the AME Working Group

We are pleased to announce that Innocenti, UNICEF's Office of Research, has been confirmed as the new co-lead of the Assessment, Measurement and Evidence Working Group alongside Word Vision. Innocenti is UNICEF’s dedicated research centre. Its core mandate is to undertake cutting-edge, policy...

Updates from the L&D Working Group - April 2022

Find the L&D Working Group Updates for Apirl 2022 below: New Video! We have developed a new short video on the CPHA Competency Framework. Watch here! We want to hear from you - Tertiary Learning Research! We are exploring ways to further our cooperation with tertiary learning institutions. If you...

What are humanitarian standards?

People affected by disaster or conflict have the right to receive protection and assistance and to ensure the basic conditions for life with dignity. Humanitarian standards are statements which describe the sets of actions needed so that crisis-affected people can enjoy this right. Humanitarian...

What are humanitarian standards?

People affected by disaster or conflict have the right to receive protection and assistance and to ensure the basic conditions for life with dignity. Humanitarian standards are statements which describe the sets of actions needed so that crisis-affected people can enjoy this right. Humanitarian...

Child Protection and UASC Resources for Ukraine

Call for a Moratorium on Intercountry Adoption in Response to the Conflict in Ukraine [Available in English, Ukrainian and Polish] The Alliance is coordinating with partners, including UNHCR, UNICEF and the Child Protection Area of Responsibility to play our part in trying to support this response...

CPHA Frontliner Getting Started Learning Package Now Available in Ukrainian and Polish

The Alliance is pleased to announce that the CPHA Frontliner Getting Started Learning Package has been translated into Ukrainian and Polish and is now available. The CPHA Frontliner package has been designed to rapidly onboard new team members in the wake of a new emergency or crisis and aims to...

Survey for the Development of Guidance on Cross Sector Collaboration in the Implementation of Programmes for CAAFAG

To all practitioners working with CAAFAG, The CAAFAG task force would like to hear from you! ☆ We are planning to develop two guidance notes focusing on cross sector collaboration in the implementation of programmes for CAAFAG. This short survey will help us identify the sectors you are the most...

Child Protection Minimum Standards Summary now available in Ukrainian

The summary version of the 2019 Edition of the Minimum Standards for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action (CPMS) is now available in Ukrainian! This summary outlines the all of the principals and standards included in the CPMS. Find the summary here! *Please note that is in a unreviewed...

Facilitating Community-Led Child Protection Approaches: Lessons from Marafa, Kenya

Launching 28 March - A moderated WhatsApp learning group for child protection practitioners What should we consider when facilitating a community-led child protection approach? Watch a short weekly video on key facilitation skills and considerations. Hear from community facilitators Joathem and Ken...

Webinar | Handover Protocols for the Transfer of Children Associated with Armed Forces and Armed Groups, Including CAAFAG in Detention

Find the Concept Note for this event here. Thousands of children in situations of armed conflict are doubly victimized: first, at the hands of armed groups or forces that recruit and use them in their ranks, and then by parties to the conflict who detain them for their alleged association with those...