

Summary: Review on Child Wellbeing in Humanitarian Action: Concepts, Definitions and Domains

This is a summary of the Alliance's Desk Review on Child Wellbeing in Humanitarian Action: Concepts, Definitions, and Domains. A chapter-level summary is presented in 11 postcard-sized slides, highlighting the desk review on the definition of child wellbeing in humanitarian action. Reading time: 3...

Summary: Review of Existing Definitions and Explanations of Abuse, Neglect, Exploitation and Violence Against Children

This is a summary of the Alliance's Discussion Paper: Review of Existing Definitions and Explanations of Abuse, Neglect, Exploitation and Violence against Children. A chapter-level summary is presented in 12 postcard-sized slides, highlighting the main elements of child abuse, neglect, exploitation...

Case Management and Child Protection Guidelines

The Inter-Agency Guidelines for Case Management and Child Protection were developed at an inter-agency level through the Child Protection Working Group to complement the agreed standard 15 on Case Management in the Minimum Standards for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action. They aim to provide a...

Unprotected: Crisis in humanitarian funding for child protection

All children have a fundamental right to protection, but the needs of children in emergencies are far from being met. In 2018, almost 50 million children were in need of protection in humanitarian settings. Yet child protection isn’t systematically prioritised when a humanitarian response is being...

Community Based Child Protection in Humanitarian Action: Definitions and Terminology

This resouce provides a list of common Community Based Child Protection (CBCP) - related terms and their definitions - is intended to show the evolving definitions around CBCP. Terms include: community, community-based community-based child protection community driven formal child protection system...

Desk Review on Child Wellbeing in Humanitarian Action: Concepts, Definitions, and Domains

This desk review represents the first step in a larger process to develop an overarching definition of child wellbeing that can be adapted according to context and used to define strategic objectives within humanitarian response. This report can also be found in 11 postcard-sized slides with chapter...

Discussion Paper: Review of Existing Definitions and Explanations of Abuse, Neglect, Exploitation and Violence against Children

Academics, scholars, and practitioners have a tendency to use one term – typically “abuse” or “violence” – as the umbrella term for a full range of types of child maltreatment including neglect; exploitation; and physical, sexual, and psychological violence and abuse. This creates challenges for the...

Child Protection Rapid Assessment (CPRA) Toolkit Review

This report provides findings and analysis on the use of the Child Protection Rapid Assessment (CPRA) Toolkit between 2014 and 2018. It includes recommendations for (a) improving the CPRA Toolkit and (b) more effectively situating it within the broader framework of child protection analysis and...

Coordination of Case Management

There are two key resources related to Case Management Coordination in humanitarian settings, these are the Case Management Standard Operating Procedures Guidance and Template. Other Coordination resources include the Terms of Reference template for a country CMTF, referral pathways template...

Monitoring & Evaluating for Quality Case Management

There are two key resources related to monitoring and evaluating child protection case management in humanitarian settings. They include the Quality Assessment Framework and the Case Management Indicators. Updated key performance indicators for case management are also currently under development.

Webinar: Cash Transfer Programming and Child Protection in Humanitarian Action

The Cash Transfer and Child Protection Task Force held a webinar on Tuesday, 16 Apr 2019, 11:00 - 12:00 (EST, New York), to discuss the newly released report, “ Cash Transfer Programming and Child Protection in Humanitarian Action: Review and Opportunities to Strengthen the Evidence”. The resources...

Webinar Recordings: Child Neglect in Humanitarian Settings

As part of the launch of the report on Child Neglect in Humanitarian Settings, the Alliance provided a webinar, composed of a pre-recorded presentation video and a live Q&A to better support practitioners to engage with the report. In the pre-recorded video, with accompanying transcript, the authors...

Live Q&A | Child Neglect in Humanitarian Settings

Listen to the edited recording of this Live Q&A. ____________________________________ Join the Alliance for a Live Q&A on on the report, Child Neglect in Humanitarian Settings. Date: Thursday, 24 Jan 2019 Time: 8am (New York) / 1pm (London) / 2pm (Geneva) / 4pm (Nairobi) / 8pm (Bangkok)...

2018 Annual Report: The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action

2018 was marked by the development of the first 2018-2020 Alliance Strategic Plan and 2018-2020 Alliance Work Plan. The key objectives in these documents were developed after extensive consultation with the CPHA community and provide the Alliance with a roadmap for future work. This report contains...

2018-2020 Alliance Strategic Plan Overview: Introductory video

During the 2018 Alliance Annual Meeting, child protection in humanitarian actors engaged with presentations and discussions related to the 2018-2020 Strategic Plan and its implications in terms of integration, evidence-based programming, localization and the overall prevention and response framework...

Draft CPHA Prevention and Response Framework: Video overview

During the 2018 Alliance Annual Meeting, child protection in humanitarian actors engaged with presentations and discussions related to the 2018-2020 Strategic Plan and its implications in terms of integration, evidence-based programming, localization and the overall prevention and response framework...

Evidence-based Programming: Video discussion

During the 2018 Alliance Annual Meeting, child protection in humanitarian actors engaged with presentations and discussions related to the 2018-2020 Strategic Plan and its implications in terms of integration, evidence-based programming, localization and the overall prevention and response framework...

2018 Alliance-INEE Roundtable Resources

The The Inter-Agency Network of Education in Emergencies (INEE) and the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action (The Alliance), in partnership with Elevate Children Funders Group and International Education Funders Group, were co-hosts of this roundtable. The theme for this event was “A...

Advocacy Brief: Integrating child protection and education in emergencies

Integrating child protection and education creates a mutually-reinforcing cycle that can reduce children’s vulnerability in emergencies. A quality education increases children and families’ resilience in adversity, empowers children, and promotes a protective environment. An environment free from...

Hannah Has a New Job: CPMS Induction Video

Meet Hannah! It's her first week as a Child Protection Officer. This new video introduces Hannah to the Minimum Standards for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action. It's designed for newly hired child protection staff or for generalists who are keen to learn more about protecting children in...

Hannah has a new job

This video was designed for newly hired child protection in humanitarian action staff, as well as child protection staff who want to learn more about working in emergency settings - and the CPMS in particular. This series is related to the " This is Samira" video, an introduction to child protection...

Live Q&A: IA Child Protection Case Management Supervision and Coaching Training Package

Coaching is at the heart of supervision. This Live Q&A recording was conducted on July 31, 2018 and is Part 2 of a webinar on the IA Child Protection Case Management Supervision and Coaching Training Package. (Part 1, IA Case Management Supervision and Coaching Training Package: Pre-recorded videos...

IA Case Management Supervision and Coaching Training Package: Pre-recorded videos

The Case Management Task Force (CMTF), under the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action, is completing an intensive capacity-building initiative on Case Management Coaching and Supervision. These pre-recorded videos were prepared for a webinar and live Q&A to be held on July 31, 2018...

Global Child Labour Task Force Terms of Reference

In 2011 a child labour task group was established under the former global Child Protection Working Group (CPWG) to develop CPMS1 Standard 12 on Child Labour. In 2012, a CPWG survey among country child protection coordinators showed that child labour had the highest average rating of gravity chosen...

Webinar | Protection of Children during Infectious Disease Outbreaks V.1

The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action hosted a global webinar introducing the newly-released Guidance Note: Protection of Children During Infectious Disease Outbreaks (IDOs) and briefing paper. Children are particularly vulnerable during epidemics or pandemics, but inter-agency...