Nuestra visión

La Alianza para la protección de la niñez y adolescencia en la acción humanitaria (La Alianza) imagina un mundo en el cual los niños y niñas estén protegidos del abuso, del abandono, de la explotación y de la violencia en situaciones humanitarias.
Nuestra misión
Su misión es apoyar los esfuerzos de los actores humanitarios para lograr intervenciones de protección de la niñez que sean efectivas y de alta calidad tanto en situaciones humanitarias de refugiados como de no refugiados.
At a Glance

miembros y creciendo - diversas organizaciones de enfoques, alcances y areas de operación únicas
Más del 60%

de nuestros miembros son organizaciones locales
5 categorías

Establecimiento de normas y elaboración de directrices - Capacitación, aprendizaje y desarrollo profesional - Producción de evidencias y de conocimiento - Promoción y defensa pública - Convocatoria
Upcoming Events and Webinars
Webinar | Enhancing Parenting Practices in Humanitarian Settings: Evidence and Strategies

Webinar | Partnering with the Alliance: A Call to Academic Institutions for Collaboration

HNPW Session | Driving People and Child-centred Humanitarian Action: Evidence, Tools, and Lessons from Ethiopia, Burkina Faso, Moldova, and Myanmar

Latest resources
Polish | Minimalne standardy ochrony dzieci w działaniach
Minimalne standardy ochrony dzieci w akcjach humanitarnych (CPMS) stały się jednym z kluczowych zasobów dla pracowników organizacji humanitarnych od czasu ich wprowadzenia w 2012 roku. CPMS zostały...
Polish | Minimalne standardy ochrony dzieci w działaniach

Background Paper | Protection of Children from the Ground
Now available in Arabic, French, and Spanish! This paper aims to support the upcoming discussions during the 2025 Annual Meeting for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action. Based upon over 225...
Background Paper | Protection of Children from the Ground

Report | Learning Needs Analysis on the Intersectionality
Child Protection, the Climate Crisis, and Climate Justice together are highlighted in the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action 2021-2025 Strategy as an essential overlapping area...
Report | Learning Needs Analysis on the Intersectionality

Safe Recognition and Referrals of Child Protection Concerns
This rapid guide, developed by the Global Child Protection Area of Responsibility and Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action in collaboration with several sectors, supports all...
Safe Recognition and Referrals of Child Protection Concerns

Desk Review and Resource Mapping | Accountability to
Explore two pivotal resources from the Alliance Accountability to Children Initiative, designed to enhance the understanding and implementation of child-centered accountability in humanitarian...
Desk Review and Resource Mapping | Accountability to

Guidance Note | Resources for Conducting Ethical Research
This Resource List catalogues critical resources to guide ethical good practices in participatory research with children in humanitarian contexts. It is not an exhaustive compilation, nor does it...
Guidance Note | Resources for Conducting Ethical Research

Inter-agency Guidance Note | Data Protection and
This Guidance Note provides actors delivering child protection case management with guidance on the key standards and principles, processes and tools available to apply good practices for data...
Inter-agency Guidance Note | Data Protection and

Inter-Agency Guidelines for Case Management and Child
The first Inter-Agency Guidelines for Case Management and Child Protection were published in 2014 by the Child Protection Working Group, building on the 2012 Minimum Standards for Child Protection in...
Inter-Agency Guidelines for Case Management and Child

Case Management Global Forms - 2nd Edition
Appropriate documentation by caseworkers facilitates effective and accountable case management. Documentation is the process of collecting and storing information specific to individual children and...
Case Management Global Forms - 2nd Edition

Statement | A defining moment: Bringing children living in
The upcoming Global Ministerial Conference on Ending Violence Against Children (EVAC) in Bogotá, Colombia, from November 7-8, 2024, presents a landmark opportunity for governments and global...
Statement | A defining moment: Bringing children living in

Unprotected: Analysis of Funding for Child Protection in
The report, Unprotected: Analysis of Funding for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action in 2023, in collaboration with the Global Child Protection Area of Responsibility, UNHCR, and Save the Children...
Unprotected: Analysis of Funding for Child Protection in

Bu eğitim paketi İnsani Yardım Faaliyetlerinde Çocuk Koruma İttifakı (İttifak) tarafından geliştirilmiştir. Acil Durumlarda Çocuk Koruma Yüz Yüze Eğitim Paketinin yerini almıştır. Paket, insani yardım...

WG/TF/I Session 3.2 Overview | Working Together to Improve
During the 2024 Annual Meeting for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action, the Accountability to Children Initiative held a session on Working Together to Improve Implementation and Advocacy on...
WG/TF/I Session 3.2 Overview | Working Together to Improve

CPMS Mini-Course
Sign up for the FREE online, facilitated course on the CPMS! Our goal is to develop a global pool of champions who know how to use the CPMS to improve the quality and accountability of children’s...
CPMS Mini-Course

Report | An Overview of the 2024 Annual Meeting for Child
The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action organised the 2024 Annual Meeting for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action in Panama City, Panama from the 4th to 6th of June. The Annual...
Report | An Overview of the 2024 Annual Meeting for Child

Live Drawings from the 2024 Annual Meeting for Child
During the 2024 Annual Meeting, the Alliance had a virtual artist present to capture all the highlights and most memorable moments from select sessions in the meeting! Please find the collection of...
Live Drawings from the 2024 Annual Meeting for Child

CPHA-CPMS Learning Package
Explore the CPMS-CPHA Learning Package in Arabic, Spanish, and Turkish! This learning package has been developed by the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action (the Alliance). It replaces...
CPHA-CPMS Learning Package

Inter-agency Guidance on Child Protection Case Management
Child Protection Case Management (CPCM) is a cornerstone of child protection in humanitarian settings. While numerous tools and guidelines exist, there is an opportunity to utilise CPCM data more...
Inter-agency Guidance on Child Protection Case Management

The Alliance Flyer (2024)
This flyer provides a brief overview of the structure and activities of the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action (the Alliance) in 2024. This flyer was designed specifically for the...
The Alliance Flyer (2024)

Theory of Change for Community-level Child Protection
This Theory of Change (ToC) has been developed by the Community-level Child Protection (CCP) Task Force of the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action (the Alliance). It is designed to...
Theory of Change for Community-level Child Protection

Facilitators and Speakers at the 2024 Annual Meeting for
This booklet contains the biographies of the facilitators and speakers at the 2024 Annual Meeting for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action in Panama City from June 4th- 6th, 2024. The biographies...
Facilitators and Speakers at the 2024 Annual Meeting for

Portuguese | Resumo: Padrões Mínimos para Proteção de
Esta é a versão resumida da primeira edição da edição de 2019 do manual de Padrões Mínimos para Proteção de Crianças em Ações Humanitárias (PMPC). Todos os princípios e padrões na versão eletrônica...
Portuguese | Resumo: Padrões Mínimos para Proteção de

Session Booklet for the 2024 Annual Meeting for Child
This booklet contains summaries for the sessions of the 2024 Annual Meeting for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action in Panama City from June 4th- 6th, 2024. The theme of this meeting is...
Session Booklet for the 2024 Annual Meeting for Child

Participant Pack | 2024 Annual Meeting for Child Protection
Please find Participant Pack for the 2024 Annual Meeting in English and Spanish. It is important that participants familiarise themselves with this pack before the meeting! The Participant Pack gives...
Participant Pack | 2024 Annual Meeting for Child Protection

Agenda for the 2024 Annual Meeting for Child Protection in
Please find the detailed Agenda for the 2024 Annual Meeting in English and Spanish. You can also find the Schedule Overview and Livestream Agenda to find out when and where we are going live! *Last...
Agenda for the 2024 Annual Meeting for Child Protection in

Background Paper | Taking Action to Protect Children in
This Background Papers aims to support the upcoming discussions during the 2024 Annual Meeting for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action. Based upon over 300 responses to the Annual Meeting Theme...
Background Paper | Taking Action to Protect Children in

Child Labour Learning Package, Turkish
Çocuk İşçiliği Öğrenme Paketi, Kurumlar Arası Araç Kiti'nin yaygınlaştırılmasını tamamlamak ve desteklemek amacıyla geliştirilmiştir: İnsani Yardım Faaliyetlerinde Çocuk İşçiliğinin Önlenmesi ve...
Child Labour Learning Package, Turkish

Inter-agency Child Protection Case Management Data
The purpose of this Data Protection and Information Sharing Protocol (DPISP or Protocol) is to provide specific guidance to enable an agreement to be reached on data protection and information sharing...
Inter-agency Child Protection Case Management Data

Working Across Sectors Child Protection Competency
Children are disproportionately affected by humanitarian crises. They are a distinct group from adults, with unique needs and capacities that vary by age, gender, ability, legal status, and other...
Working Across Sectors Child Protection Competency
Child Protection Competency Framework for Health Actors
Children are disproportionately affected by humanitarian crises. They are a distinct group from adults, with unique needs and capacities that vary by age, gender, ability, legal status, and other...
Child Protection Competency Framework for Health Actors

Indicators to Measure Cross-sectoral Contributions to
The whole humanitarian system has a role to play in realising children’s rights, including their right to protection. Greater collaboration, action, and investment are needed to ensure all...
Indicators to Measure Cross-sectoral Contributions to

Child Protection Competency Framework for Food Security
Children are disproportionately affected by humanitarian crises. They are a distinct group from adults, with unique needs and capacities that vary by age, gender, ability, legal status, and other...
Child Protection Competency Framework for Food Security

Child Protection Competency Framework for Camp Coordination
Children are disproportionately affected by humanitarian crises. They are a distinct group from adults, with unique needs and capacities that vary by age, gender, ability, legal status, and other...
Child Protection Competency Framework for Camp Coordination

Call for Applications! Child Protection in Humanitarian
Needs for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action training have been highlighted by learning needs analysis conducted in the response. Through a CPHA ToT programme we hope to reach a wide number of...
Call for Applications! Child Protection in Humanitarian

CPHA Competency Framework - Online Training
The L&D Working Group at the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action is pleased to invite applications to participate in a short training on the CPHA Competency Framework and its...
CPHA Competency Framework - Online Training

Governance Document (2023) | The Alliance for Child
The Governance Document provides a comprehensive overview of the structure, coordination, and functions of the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action. These articles were adopted by the...
Governance Document (2023) | The Alliance for Child
The Unprotected: Overview and Technical Annex on the Impact
Explore the Dedicated Webpage here! As we reflect on 2023 and embark on a new year, the Alliance is deeply concerned about the devastating consequences of increasing armed conflict, climate-induced...
The Unprotected: Overview and Technical Annex on the Impact

Korean | 인도적 지원 시 아동 보호를 위한 최소기준
인도주의 활동에서의 아동 보호를 위한 최소 기준(CPMS)은 2012년 출범한 이래로 인도주의 활동가들에게 중요한 자원 중 하나가 되었습니다. CPMS는 인도주의적 환경에서 아동 보호 활동을 지원하기 위해 다음과 같은 목적으로 개발되었습니다. 아동 보호 활동가들 사이에 공통 원칙을 확립하는 것; 인도주의 활동가들 간의 협력을 강화하는 것; 아동 보호...
Korean | 인도적 지원 시 아동 보호를 위한 최소기준

Alliance Pledges | Global Refugee Forum 2023
At the Global Refuge Forum 2023, the Alliance is proud to announce two joint-pledges to make a lasting impact on the lives of children affected by refugee and displacement situations, their families...
Alliance Pledges | Global Refugee Forum 2023

«I Am Mariam» Illustrated Storybook and Posters
«I am Mariam» is an illustrated storybook about a young girl forced to flee her violence-torn hometown. It reflects the lives of many forcibly displaced children, as its balance of hard-hitting...
«I Am Mariam» Illustrated Storybook and Posters

The Centrality of Children and their Protection in
The centrality of children and their protection in humanitarian action is a shared responsibility, to ensure the entire humanitarian system is actively and consciously engaged in realising broader...
The Centrality of Children and their Protection in

Working Across Sectors Starter Kit
Working effectively across sectors for children’s protection and well-being requires building relationships and collaboration with sectors like health, education, food security and camp coordination...
Working Across Sectors Starter Kit

Availability, Accessibility, Acceptability and Quality
A tool to identify potential barriers to accessing services in humanitarian settings.
Availability, Accessibility, Acceptability and Quality

Working Across Sectors Three Modalities
A description of the three ways of working across humanitarian sectors.
Working Across Sectors Three Modalities

Collaboration Tip Sheet: Health
A tip sheet about child protection actors’ contribution to health’s work, the latter sector's commitments to child protection, and tips and entry points for advocacy with health actors.
Collaboration Tip Sheet: Health

Child Protection in Humanitarian Action
A comic strip describing risks in humanitarian settings and the meaning and purpose of child protection in humanitarian action.
Child Protection in Humanitarian Action

Child Protection Responsibilities of Humanitarian Actors
A comic strip describing key responsibilities of child protection actors and of all humanitarian actors.
Child Protection Responsibilities of Humanitarian Actors

Collaboration Tip Sheet: Camp Coordination and Camp
A tip sheet about child protection actors’ contribution to CCCM’s work, CCCM’s commitments to child protection, and tips and entry points for advocacy with CCCM actors.
Collaboration Tip Sheet: Camp Coordination and Camp

Child Protection Risks in Emergencies
A comic strip describing child protection risks in humanitarian settings.
Child Protection Risks in Emergencies

Training of Trainers | Unaccompanied and Separated Children
*Note: Please get in touch with the L&D Working Group ( learning@alliancecpha.org) if you are planning to using this package for feedback gathering purposes. Thank you. In 2018, the Alliance’s...
Training of Trainers | Unaccompanied and Separated Children

Child Protection in Humanitarian Action Competency Framework
The revised CPHA Competency Framework is now available. This new version is more closely aligned with the Minimum Standards for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action (CPMS), and reflects our better...
Child Protection in Humanitarian Action Competency Framework

Technical Note | Education Interventions for Children
The ‘Education interventions for CAAFAG’ Technical Note is based upon an extensive desk study, key informant inter- views with 23 practitioners from a range of roles, including in Child Protection and...
Technical Note | Education Interventions for Children

Report | An Overview of the 2023 Annual Meeting for Child
Thank you to everyone who attended the 2023 Annual Meeting for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action. This year’s annual meeting hosted 950 participants from 386 unique organisations representing...
Report | An Overview of the 2023 Annual Meeting for Child

Alliance Pledges | Oslo Conference for Protecting Children
At the Oslo Conference for Protecting Children in Armed Conflict held on 5-6 June 2023, governments, UN agencies, and civil society, including networks and non-governmental organisations, were invited...
Alliance Pledges | Oslo Conference for Protecting Children

Technical Note | Livelihood Interventions for Children
Children associated with armed forces and armed groups (CAAFAG) are often recruited and used due to economic risk factors. Providing livelihood interventions to CAAFAG and vulnerable children can be...
Technical Note | Livelihood Interventions for Children

Advocacy Template Tools
Please find the Advocacy Template Tools used during Session 18: How to do local advocacy for CAAFAG from the 2023 Annual Meeting. 1. Advocacy Strategy Template: To help design your strategy –...
Advocacy Template Tools

Primary Prevention for Child Protection in Humanitarian
Welcome to the Primary Prevention for CPHA Focal Points learning package. This course provides an in-depth exploration of the Primary Prevention Framework for CPHA, and includes activities which will...
Primary Prevention for Child Protection in Humanitarian

The Unaccompanied and Separated Children Task Force - Offer
This document provides an overview of the Offer of Support provided by the UASC Task Force to emergency responses. This document is intended for the relevant Child Protection Coordination body in...
The Unaccompanied and Separated Children Task Force - Offer

2021- 2025 Work Plans | The Alliance for Child Protection
The Alliance 2021 - 2025 Work Plan sets out the interagency standard setting and normative work of the Alliance, which aims to strengthen quality and effectiveness of child protection programs in...
2021- 2025 Work Plans | The Alliance for Child Protection

UNPROTECTED: Special Edition - Analysis of Funding for
The impact of armed conflict on children is one of the most pressing humanitarian concerns today. A strong humanitarian child protection response is critical to protect children and promote their...
UNPROTECTED: Special Edition - Analysis of Funding for

Compendium of Resources for Family and Caregiving
The Family Strengthening Task Force is pleased to present this Compendium of Family and Caregiver Strengthening Interventions and Tools! As defined in the Minimum Standards for Child Protection in...
Compendium of Resources for Family and Caregiving

Learning Package | Prevention of Separation
This introductory learning module has been developed by the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action. The learning module is designed to strengthen participants' overall understanding of...
Learning Package | Prevention of Separation

Mini Guide #5 | Child Protection in Outbreaks: Preventing
This Mini-Guide is aimed at humanitarian personnel working in health and child protection as well as those specialising in mental health and psychosocial support and members of the social service...
Mini Guide #5 | Child Protection in Outbreaks: Preventing

Mini Guide #6 | Child Protection in Outbreaks: Prioritising
This Mini-Guide aims to support children’s agency and amplify their voices, ultimately improving the overall quality and effectiveness of subsequent interventions. This Mini-Guide sets out: 'WHAT'...
Mini Guide #6 | Child Protection in Outbreaks: Prioritising

Participant Pack | 2023 Annual Meeting for Child Protection
Please find Participant Pack for the 2023 Annual Meeting in English, French, Spanish and Arabic. It is important you that Participants review this pack carefully and familiarise yourself with the Zoom...
Participant Pack | 2023 Annual Meeting for Child Protection

The Centrality of Children and their Protection in
The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action’s 2021-2025 Strategy centres around one goal: The CENTRALITY of CHILDREN and their PROTECTION is recognised and prioritised as ESSENTIAL and...
The Centrality of Children and their Protection in

Agenda | 2023 Annual Meeting for Child Protection in
Please find the Agenda for the 2023 Annual Meeting in English, French, Spanish and Arabic to give you a preview of the meeting! Please find the most up-to-date details regarding each session in Zoom...
Agenda | 2023 Annual Meeting for Child Protection in

The Evolution of the Child Protection in Humanitarian
Concern or disregard for vulnerable children in crisis situations is as old as humankind. How individuals, communities, and groups responded to the needs of vulnerable children and those in...
The Evolution of the Child Protection in Humanitarian

Guidance Note | Qualitative Assessment Approaches for the
Children with disabilities are particularly vulnerable in humanitarian settings, yet they are often not able to access the services and protection they need. While multiple factors create these...
Guidance Note | Qualitative Assessment Approaches for the

Minimum Standards for Child Protection in Humanitarian
The Minimum Standards for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action 2019 Edition equip humanitarians seeking to protect children effectively with the most comprehensive and up-to-date best practice so...
Minimum Standards for Child Protection in Humanitarian

Child Protection Case Management Training Package for
Watch the Virtual Launch of the CM Training Package here: https://youtu.be/JWXSJ53Zz30 The Case Management Task Force (CMTF) of the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action recognized an...
Child Protection Case Management Training Package for

Report | From Evidence to Action: Centering Children's
During 2021 and 2022, the Alliance and the Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE), commissioned Proteknôn Foundation for Innovation and Learning to conduct participatory research...
Report | From Evidence to Action: Centering Children's

Background Paper | Child Labour and Education in
In humanitarian situations, the risks of children being out of school and engaging in child labour are both significantly elevated, particularly for displaced, refugee, and migrant children. Hence...
Background Paper | Child Labour and Education in

A Research Summary by and for Young People | Children
This summary was written by seventeen research and round table participants aged 12 to 17 years from Colombia, Democratic Republic of Congo and Lebanon, Laura Lee (Proteknôn) and Bethel Lulie...
A Research Summary by and for Young People | Children

Joint Submission on General Comment 26 of the Committee on
This submission has been prepared by the Advocacy Working Group (AWG). Several AWG members formed a sub-group to discuss the forthcoming General Comment 26 on children’s rights and the environment...
Joint Submission on General Comment 26 of the Committee on
CPHA Learner Profiles
What are Learner Profiles? Learner Profiles are fictional characters that we create to represent a stakeholder group. Specifically, the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action's learner...
CPHA Learner Profiles

Monitoring and Evaluation Toolkit | Cash and Voucher
The Cash and Voucher Assistance and Child Protection for Adolescents: A Monitoring and Evaluation Toolkit is a resource for actors working in Monitoring and Evaluation, CVA (across sectors), child...
Monitoring and Evaluation Toolkit | Cash and Voucher

Child Safeguarding and Health
This document outlines some potential child safeguarding risks of health programmes, and gives suggestions on how to manage them to ensure children are as safe as possible.
Child Safeguarding and Health

CPMS Standard 27: Shelter and Settlement and Child
Standard: All children and their caregivers have appropriate shelter that meets their basic needs, including safety, protection and accessibility.
CPMS Standard 27: Shelter and Settlement and Child

CPMS Standard 25: Nutrition and Child Protection
Standard: Children and their caregivers, especially pregnant and lactating women and girls, have access to safe, adequate and appropriate nutrition services.
CPMS Standard 25: Nutrition and Child Protection

CPMS Standard 24: Health and Child Protection
Standard: All children have access to quality protective health services that reflect their views, ages and developmental needs.
CPMS Standard 24: Health and Child Protection

CPMS Standard 28: Camp Management and Child Protection
Standard: Camp management activities address the needs and protection concerns of children affected by forced displacement.
CPMS Standard 28: Camp Management and Child Protection

CPMS Standard 26: WASH and Child Protection
Standard: All children have access to appropriate water, sanitation and hygiene services that support their dignity and minimise risks of physical and sexual violence and exploitation
CPMS Standard 26: WASH and Child Protection

CPMS Standard 23: Education and Child Protection
Standard: All children have access to quality education that is protective and inclusive and that promotes dignity and participation throughout all essential activities.
CPMS Standard 23: Education and Child Protection

CPMS Standard 21: Food security and child protection
Standard: All children affected by humanitarian crises live in food secure environments that mitigate and respond to child protection risks.
CPMS Standard 21: Food security and child protection

CPMS Standard 22: Livelihoods and child protection
Standard: Caregivers and working-age children have access to adequate support to strengthen their livelihoods.
CPMS Standard 22: Livelihoods and child protection

CPMS Pillar 4 Standards to work across sectors
An introduction to the Child Protection Minimum Standards Pillar 4: Standards to work across sectors.
CPMS Pillar 4 Standards to work across sectors

CPHA Learning Resource Mapping
The Child Protection in Humanitarian Action Learning Resource Mapping supports CPHA sectoral L&D efforts in different ways: Firstly, it allows us to gather a better understanding of gaps in the...
CPHA Learning Resource Mapping
Guidance Note | Supporting Integrated Child Protection and
This Guidance Note supports the Alliance and INEE’s CPHA-EiE Joint Initiative by orienting both sectors to opportunities for program integration. Through collaboration, both sectors aim to deliver on...
Guidance Note | Supporting Integrated Child Protection and

Education & Child Protection: A Review of Good Practice
This document aims to extract lessons from country- and local-level practice of collaboration between Education in Emergencies and Child Protection actors across diverse contexts. Where possible, the...
Education & Child Protection: A Review of Good Practice

Working Together
How do we, as humanitarian workers, effectively collaborate to improve children’s protection and well-being? This Inter-Sectoral Framework aims to serve as a collective steer for doing just that...
Working Together

CCCM, Health & Child Protection: Practitioners’
Strengthening cross-sectoral collaboration is a strategic priority for the Alliance. This publication explores promising practices and missed opportunities in cooperation between Camp Coordination and...
CCCM, Health & Child Protection: Practitioners’

CPMS Slide Deck
These are ready-to-use PowerPoint presentations to help you advocate for implementing the Child Protection Minimum Standards in your organization and build its capacity to do so. They cover the CPMS...
CPMS Slide Deck

MOOC | Programme Design for Children Associated with Armed
This six-week (3h per week) course from the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action will introduce the key concepts of programme design for CAAFAG and contextualise your design within the...
MOOC | Programme Design for Children Associated with Armed

Guidance Note | Primary Prevention of Family Separation
In 2021, the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action published the Primary Prevention Framework for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action (the Framework). This was developed due to the...
Guidance Note | Primary Prevention of Family Separation

Learning Packages Menu | Alliance for Child Protection in
This Packages Menu lists the training packages available from the Alliance. Further resources that can support learning exist (such as videos, case studies, webinar recordings) but are not listed in...
Learning Packages Menu | Alliance for Child Protection in
Recommendations | Enhancing Collaboration between Child
On October 31st, the Alliance, alongside the Global Child Protection Area of Responsibility, the Global Food Security Cluster and Plan International, organized a global online event to spotlight how...
Recommendations | Enhancing Collaboration between Child

Annual Report 2022 | The Alliance for Child Protection in
This report contains an overview of some of the key activities of the Alliance Secretariat, Working Groups, and Task Forces in 2021 and priorities for 2022.
Annual Report 2022 | The Alliance for Child Protection in
Advocacy Working Group Strategy 2021-2025
The Alliance’s Advocacy Working Group developed this advocacy strategy on behalf of The Alliance, drawing from extensive consultations with the Working Groups and Task Forces of The Alliance, members...
Advocacy Working Group Strategy 2021-2025

World Humanitarian Day 2022
There is a saying that goes: It takes a village to raise a child. Similarly, it takes a village to support a person in a humanitarian crisis. With record-high humanitarian needs around the world, this...
World Humanitarian Day 2022

The Alliance 2022 Annual Meeting Report
Did you miss out on the Alliance 2022 Annual Meeting on Promoting the Centrality of Children and their Protection through Accountability, Localisation and Working Across Sectors? No need to worry -...
The Alliance 2022 Annual Meeting Report

Case Management Via Phone Learning Module
The Case Management Via Phone Learning Module aims to prepare case workers to safely deliver case management services via phone, when necessary, in the context of COVID-19 and other infectious disease...
Case Management Via Phone Learning Module

Transitioning to Remote Case Management during COVID-19
The Transitioning to Remote Case Management during COVID-19 learning module aims to prepare case workers to safely transition to remote case management service delivery in the context of COVID-19 and...
Transitioning to Remote Case Management during COVID-19

Blogs from the 2022 Annual Meeting
Check-out these blog posts from select sessions throughout the 2022 Annual Meeting for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action!
Blogs from the 2022 Annual Meeting

Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) Template
The Standard Operating Procedures template (SOPs) is a practical resource used to guide Child Protection actors in defining roles, responsibilities and relationships between different people involved...
Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) Template

Information Management System (CPIMS+)
The CPIMS+ is an Information Management System that facilitates effective case management for individual vulnerable children. The database is designed to promote best practice and accountability, and...
Information Management System (CPIMS+)

Quality Assessment Framework
The Quality Assessment Framework (QAF) (field testing version) is a tool developed to enable Child Protection actors to meet the quality and monitoring requirements of operating a case management...
Quality Assessment Framework

The Minimum Standards for Child Protection in Humanitarian
The Minimum Standards for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action have been developed to support child protection work in humanitarian settings by: Establishing common principles between those working...
The Minimum Standards for Child Protection in Humanitarian

Designing Cash and Voucher Assistance to Achieve Child
This guidance seeks to empower child protection actors so that they can integrate cash and voucher assistance into their programming. By enabling increased use of CVA within child protection responses...
Designing Cash and Voucher Assistance to Achieve Child
Cash and Voucher Assistance and Child Protection in
What is the purpose of this tool? This tool gives guidance on providing cash and voucher assistance directly to children/adolescents who are unaccompanied or heading a household. Who is this tool for...
Cash and Voucher Assistance and Child Protection in
Research | The Impact of COVID-19 School Closures on Child
On 11 March 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared COVID-19 a global pandemic. In response, governments around the world took the unprecedented step of closing all schools as a way to curb...
Research | The Impact of COVID-19 School Closures on Child

Summary of Abstracts - 2022 Annual Meeting for Child
This booklet contains a summary of abstracts that were submitted for the 2022 Annual Meeting for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action from June 20-22, 2020. The theme of this years meeting is...
Summary of Abstracts - 2022 Annual Meeting for Child

INSPIRE: Seven Strategies for Ending Violence Against
About this course An analysis of nationally representative survey data on the prevalence of violence against children in 96 countries estimates that 1 billion children globally – over half of all...
INSPIRE: Seven Strategies for Ending Violence Against

Primary Prevention Framework Introductory Learning Package
This introductory prevention learning package has been developed by the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action. The package is designed to strengthen participants’ overall understanding...
Primary Prevention Framework Introductory Learning Package

2022 Annual Meeting | Participant Pack
Welcome to the 2022 Annual Meeting of the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action: Promoting the Centrality of Children and their Protection in Humanitarian Action through Accountability...
2022 Annual Meeting | Participant Pack
2022 Annual Meeting Agenda & Speaker Biographies
Please find the latest version of the Agenda for the 2022 Annual Meeting attached below. You can also find the Agenda for each day attached, along with the Agenda in French, Spanish and Arabic. You...
2022 Annual Meeting Agenda & Speaker Biographies
Call for Moratorium on Intercountry Adoption in Response to
During emergencies, such as conflict, it is a well-accepted principle of States’ obligations under international law that adoption is not an appropriate response for unaccompanied and separated...
Call for Moratorium on Intercountry Adoption in Response to

Resource Package | Mental Health and Psychosocial Support
The CAAFAG Task Force was pleased to contributed to the Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in CAAFAG Programmes Learning Package. The MHPSS in CAAFAG Programmes Resource Package (field-test...
Resource Package | Mental Health and Psychosocial Support

Children Affected by Armed Forces and Armed Groups Learning
Course aim: To introduce key approaches and processes in remote CAAFAG programming during COVID-19 and other IDOs. Course objectives: By the end of the course, participants will be able to: • Describe...
Children Affected by Armed Forces and Armed Groups Learning
Mini Guide #2 | Child Protection in Outbreaks: Advocating
This Mini-Guide is designed primarily for child protection practitioners and managers in settings impacted on by infectious disease outbreaks. It can also be used by coordinators of inter-agency...
Mini Guide #2 | Child Protection in Outbreaks: Advocating

Mini Guide #3 | Child Protection in Outbreaks:
National and global efforts to prevent, respond to, and recover from outbreaks are typically led by the health sector, even when interventions are multi-sectoral in nature. This Mini-Guide...
Mini Guide #3 | Child Protection in Outbreaks:

Mini Guide #1 | Child Protection in Outbreaks: Adapting
This Mini-Guide is designed primarily for child protection practitioners and the social service workforce in settings impacted by infectious disease outbreaks. It provides an overview of why and how...
Mini Guide #1 | Child Protection in Outbreaks: Adapting

Mini Guide #4 | Child Protection in Outbreaks:
Talking with and listening to children are not done in the same way as with adults. Children have different communication needs based on their age, stage of development, and other individual...
Mini Guide #4 | Child Protection in Outbreaks:

Assessment of Alliance COVID-19 Activities: A Summary
From the earliest stages of the pandemic, The Alliance found itself at the forefront of supporting child protection practitioners across the world to adapt to the realities of the world under COVID-19...
Assessment of Alliance COVID-19 Activities: A Summary

Child Protection Advocacy Messages for Ukraine
These advocacy messages have been developed to support advocacy efforts conducted by Alliance members and wider humanitarian actors responding to/working on the Ukraine crisis response. The messages...
Child Protection Advocacy Messages for Ukraine
Guidance | Unaccompanied and Separated Children (UASC)
The Unaccompanied and Separated Children (UASC) Task Force is proud to share this Information Sheet to respond to the Ukraine crisis. While recognising the leadership of national governments and...
Guidance | Unaccompanied and Separated Children (UASC)
Child Protection and UASC Resources for Ukraine
Call for a Moratorium on Intercountry Adoption in Response to the Conflict in Ukraine [Available in English, Ukrainian and Polish] The Alliance is coordinating with partners, including UNHCR, UNICEF...
Child Protection and UASC Resources for Ukraine
Operational Guidance | Negotiating and Implementing
March 2022 – Handover protocols are agreements by governments or armed groups to swiftly transfer children allegedly associated with armed forces and armed groups (CAAFAG) in their custody, or whom...
Operational Guidance | Negotiating and Implementing

Call for Abstracts | 2022 Annual Meeting for Child
2022 Virtual Annual Meeting of the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action Promoting the Centrality of Children and their Protection in Humanitarian Action through Accountability...
Call for Abstracts | 2022 Annual Meeting for Child

Ukrainian | Резюме: Мінімальні стандарти Гуманітарної
Це скорочена версія першого видання посібника « Мінімальні стандарти захисту дітей під час гуманітарної діяльності » (CPMS) 2019 року. Усі принципи та стандарти в електронній версії цього резюме мають...
Ukrainian | Резюме: Мінімальні стандарти Гуманітарної

Child Labour Learning Package
This Learning Package is also available in, French, Turkish, and Arabic. Click the links to find these translations! The Child Labour Learning Package has being been developed to complement and...
Child Labour Learning Package

COVID-19 Resource Tracker
In April 2020, the Alliance COVID-19 Mapping Team began tracking resources and articles on some of the key CPMS Standards and topics around child protection and COVID-19. Almost two years later, this...
COVID-19 Resource Tracker

eCourse | 2019 Minimum Standards for Child Protection in
Welcome to the Alliance’s core training on the Minimum Standards for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action (CPMS). To enroll, CLICK HERE! This introductory e-course is for anyone currently working...
eCourse | 2019 Minimum Standards for Child Protection in
CAAFAG Programme Development Toolkit: Training Guide and
Tips for using the tools within the toolkit: Open the PDF using Abode Acrobat and find the tools identified with the paper clip icon. Then click on the small arrow on the left hand side and then on...
CAAFAG Programme Development Toolkit: Training Guide and

Community Child Protection Volunteer Toolkit and Training
Today, more than ever, volunteers are on the frontlines of protecting children in their communities. Volunteers work tirelessly in complex humanitarian contexts and often face emotional and physical...
Community Child Protection Volunteer Toolkit and Training

Primary Prevention Framework for Child Protection in
Child Protection in Humanitarian Action (CPHA) is “the prevention of and response to abuse, neglect, exploitation and violence against children in humanitarian action.” While significant effort and...
Primary Prevention Framework for Child Protection in

Report | The Unprotected: Annual Spotlight on Child
Find the Executive Summary in Arabic, English, French and Spanish. Children make up 50% of those affected in humanitarian crises and are disproportionately impacted by conflict and crisis. Throughout...
Report | The Unprotected: Annual Spotlight on Child

Storybook | Seeing Forced Displacement and Protection
Seeing Forced Displacement and Protection Through a Child’s Eyes When her hometown erupted in violence, young Mariam was forced to flee with part of her family. Three years later, she tells her story...
Storybook | Seeing Forced Displacement and Protection

CPHA Community of Practice
The Alliance and the Global Child Protection Area of Responsibility are thrilled to host the Child Protection in Humanitarian Action (CPHA) Community of Practice! The community is an online space for...
CPHA Community of Practice

Participant Pack for the Alliance Strategy Launch Event
Thank you to all who have already registered for the Alliance Strategy Launch event “ A Clarion Call: The Centrality of Children and their Protection in Humanitarian Action”, taking place on Monday...
Participant Pack for the Alliance Strategy Launch Event
COVID-19 Evidence Synthesis: Strengthening Caregiving
From April 2020 to December 2021, the COVID-19 mapping team published the COVID-19 Evidence Synthesis series as a periodic digest of COVID-19 related resources (guidance, news, and academic articles)...
COVID-19 Evidence Synthesis: Strengthening Caregiving

The Alliance 2021 Annual Meeting Moments Report
Did you miss out on the Alliance 2021 Annual Meeting on Preventing Harm to Children? No need to worry - you can follow-along just as if you were at the 2021 Annual Meeting by browsing through the LIVE...
The Alliance 2021 Annual Meeting Moments Report

Blog Post | The Climate Crisis, Climate Justice and Child
Initiating the dialogue; Child Protection Alliance annual meeting “Climate action is not sufficiently child sensitive, or child informed, and rarely integrates child protection risks.” “There is a...
Blog Post | The Climate Crisis, Climate Justice and Child
Guidance | CPHA Frontliner Getting Started Learning Package
The Alliance L&D Working Group is thrilled to announce that the CPHA Frontliner Getting Started Learning Package has been finalized and replaces the CPMS Working Group’s 2014 Frontline Workers package...
Guidance | CPHA Frontliner Getting Started Learning Package

Growing Strong Together: A Parenting Program to Support the
This Intervention Package aims at supporting practitioners to roll out and implement parenting intervention to protect children, and adolescents and young persons (8-21 years) from recruitment and...
Growing Strong Together: A Parenting Program to Support the
World Children's Day 2021 | Joint-Statement on the
The Centrality of Children in Climate Action World Children’s Day 2021 As COP 26, the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference ends, the world must grapple with how much still must be done to...
World Children's Day 2021 | Joint-Statement on the
Background Paper | Reducing Child Labour in Agriculture in
In 2020, 155 million people in 55 countries/regions were in crisis or worse – an increase of about 20 million people from 2019. In addition, children around the world are negatively affected by...
Background Paper | Reducing Child Labour in Agriculture in

The Alliance Strategy (2021-2025) | A Clarion Call: The
To watch the virtual launch of the Alliance Startegy, click here. Introducing the 2021-2025 Alliance Strategy: The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action’s 2021-2025 Strategy centres...
The Alliance Strategy (2021-2025) | A Clarion Call: The

Summary of Abstracts | 2021 Annual Meeting for Child
This booklet contains a summary of abstracts that were submitted for the 2021 Annual Meeting for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action from October 4-8, 2020. The theme of this years meeting is...
Summary of Abstracts | 2021 Annual Meeting for Child

The Alliance Annual Report (2018 - 2020)
The past three years have been filled with new opportunrities, activities, challenges and lessons learned here at the Alliance. This Annual Report contains an overview of the work done by the Alliance...
The Alliance Annual Report (2018 - 2020)

Enhanced CPMS Indicators Table
An easy-to-navigate PDF, the Enhanced CPMS Indicators Table includes the 28 Child Protection Minimum Standards and their indicators with type, target values and explanatory notes plus suggested...
Enhanced CPMS Indicators Table

Guidance | A Brief Guide: Selecting Child Protection
This guidance document provides information on the Child Protection Minimum Standards (CPMS) measurement framework. Traditionally, accountability measures in Child Protection in Humanitarian Action...
Guidance | A Brief Guide: Selecting Child Protection

Position Paper | From Theory to Practice: Towards a
This position paper was developed as part of the Alliance-led Prevention Initiative. The objective of the Prevention Initiative is to develop key prevention focused resources to support child...
Position Paper | From Theory to Practice: Towards a

L&D Working Group Strategy 2021-23
For the 2021-2023 strategy, the Alliance will place greater emphasis on its capacity strengthening, learning, and development function. This elevated status is grounded in the acknowledgement of the...
L&D Working Group Strategy 2021-23
Blog | Child Protection and Education Communities Call for
In 2020 the widespread closures of schools around the world drew global attention as children and young people across all corners of the globe were shut out of schools as result of the COVID-19 crisis...
Blog | Child Protection and Education Communities Call for
Child Labour Case Study | Comprehensive centre-based
This case study describes a pilot project to provide comprehensive services to children in agricultural child labour and their families in the Beqaa Valley in Lebanon.
Child Labour Case Study | Comprehensive centre-based
The Impact of School Closures on Children in Humanitarian
In the months following the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, Proteknôn Foundation for Innovation and Learning, on behalf of the Alliance and in close collaboration with INEE, seeked to explore the...
The Impact of School Closures on Children in Humanitarian

COVID-19 Evidence Synthesis: Mental Health and Psychosocial
From April 2020 to December 2021, the COVID-19 mapping team published the COVID-19 Evidence Synthesis series as a periodic digest of COVID-19 related resources (guidance, news, and academic articles)...
COVID-19 Evidence Synthesis: Mental Health and Psychosocial

Key Considerations | Family Tracing and Reunification (FTR
This document builds on existing Unaccompanied and Separated Children (UASC) programming guidance and incorporates recent field experience from the child protection sector in the context of the COVID...
Key Considerations | Family Tracing and Reunification (FTR

Prevention Framework: Desk Review Synthesis
Child Protection in Humanitarian Action (CPHA) refers to “the prevention of and response to abuse, neglect, exploitation and violence against children (VAC) in humanitarian action.” Over the past...
Prevention Framework: Desk Review Synthesis

2021 UNHCR Best Interests Procedure (BIP) Guidelines:
The primary objective of the BIP Guidelines is to support UNHCR and partner staff in improving the protection outcomes for refugee children by: situating the best interests of refugee children within...
2021 UNHCR Best Interests Procedure (BIP) Guidelines:

Learning and Development Toolkit
The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action L&D Toolkit has been developed by the Learning and Development Working Group to support the design and delivery of learning events. The toolkit...
Learning and Development Toolkit

Position Paper | Defining Evidence-Based Practice for
There is widespread recognition among practitioners and researchers of the need to build a stronger evidence base for child protection work in humanitarian settings to be able to determine what...
Position Paper | Defining Evidence-Based Practice for

Evidence Brief | Why Identifying Risk and Protective
Humanitarian crises, including natural disasters, conflict, and infectious disease outbreaks threaten the health, safety and well-being of children, families, and communities. Risks to children in...
Evidence Brief | Why Identifying Risk and Protective

Report | Community Engagement in Case Management
Community volunteers are an integral part of preventing and responding to cases of violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation of children in humanitarian settings. They have a deep understanding of...
Report | Community Engagement in Case Management

Guidance | Identifying and Ranking Risk and Protective
Recognizing the strategic importance of improving evidence- based approaches to preventing child protection issues, this guidance document was developed as part of the Alliance-led Prevention...
Guidance | Identifying and Ranking Risk and Protective

COVID-19 Evidence Synthesis: Sexual and Gender-Based
From April 2020 to December 2021, the COVID-19 mapping team published the COVID-19 Evidence Synthesis series as a periodic digest of COVID-19 related resources (guidance, news, and academic articles)...
COVID-19 Evidence Synthesis: Sexual and Gender-Based

Survey Results – Updating and Expanding the Case Management
In February, an online survey was conducted for everyone involved in child protection case management in humanitarian settings to ‘ have their say’ in efforts to update the inter-agency case...
Survey Results – Updating and Expanding the Case Management

Case Studies | COVID-19 Capacity Building Adaptation
This collection of case studies, collected by the Alliance L&D Working Group, identifies promising practices and innovative ways to provide remote skills-building opportunities in the context of COVID...
Case Studies | COVID-19 Capacity Building Adaptation

MOOC | Protection Children during the COVID-19 Pandemic:
The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action This course is available in English and Spanish. Click to register. This is the second edition of our massive-open online course Child...
MOOC | Protection Children during the COVID-19 Pandemic:
Toolkit | Monitoring and Evaluating Child Protection When
The Toolkit for Monitoring and Evaluating Child Protection when using Cash and Voucher Assistance (CP and CVA M&E Toolkit) is a resource for actors working in Monitoring and Evaluation, CVA (across...
Toolkit | Monitoring and Evaluating Child Protection When

Summary | Inter-Agency Toolkit: Preventing and Responding
The Inter-Agency Toolkit: Preventing and Responding to Child Labour in Humanitarian Action offers a strong global commitment to addressing child labour in humanitarian action. It was developed by the...
Summary | Inter-Agency Toolkit: Preventing and Responding

This 2020 UNICEF review of evidence and practice to support the implementation of MHPSS in humanitarian settings has been updated from 2015, and now includes evidence from 2015-2020, and additional...
Blog Post | No Education, No Protection
In April 2020, at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns, UNESCO estimated that more than 1.5 billion students and youth – nearly 90% worldwide – were out of school, disrupting the academic...
Blog Post | No Education, No Protection

Evidence Paper | No Education, No Protection: What school
The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in unprecedented levels of school closures, affecting up to 90% of learners globally. While it was deemed necessary to close schools and other education institutions...
Evidence Paper | No Education, No Protection: What school

Guidance | Understanding Risk and Protective Factors in
Recognizing the strategic importance of improving evidence-based approaches to preventing child protection issues, this report was developed to inform the establishment of a measurement framework for...
Guidance | Understanding Risk and Protective Factors in

Inter-Agency Toolkit | Child Labour Case Studies
Find ALL 34 Case Studies in the Inter-Agency Toolkit on Preventing and Responding to Child Protection in Humanitarian Action!
Inter-Agency Toolkit | Child Labour Case Studies

Inter-Agency Toolkit | Child Labour Tools
Find ALL 19 Practical Tools in the Inter-Agency Toolkit on Preventing and Responding to Child Protection in Humanitarian Action!
Inter-Agency Toolkit | Child Labour Tools
Working Across Sectors to Promote Children's
Working across sectors to promote children's protection and well-being is a priority for the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action. The 2019 Minimum Standards for Child Protection in...
Working Across Sectors to Promote Children's

Position Paper | Collaboration Across Child Protection in
In this paper, the The Alliance and INEE set out the evidence supporting collaboration and integration between the sectors, providing a rationale for cross-sector work grounded in child well-being and...
Position Paper | Collaboration Across Child Protection in

Report | Action Points on the Protection of Children and
To find the special video presentation by the Alliance COVID-19 Focal Point Team and learn about the six critical actions, click here! The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action (the...
Report | Action Points on the Protection of Children and

Inter-Agency Child Labour Toolkit | Preventing and
Every day, millions of children worldwide experience the consequences of violent conflicts, climate change, disasters and epidemics. In times of crisis, when people are forced to flee their homes...
Inter-Agency Child Labour Toolkit | Preventing and

Contextualizing and Measuring Child Well-Being in
The Alliance AME Working Group is excited to present the Child Well-Being Contextualization Guide! The package of child well-being resources includes: 1) Defining and Measuring Child Well-Being in...
Contextualizing and Measuring Child Well-Being in

Policy Paper Summary | Social Protection and Child
Find this short summary for the policy paper, Social Protection and Child Protection: Working Together to Protect Children from the Impact of COVID-19 and Beyond, coordinated by the Alliance and co...
Policy Paper Summary | Social Protection and Child

Child Labour Tool | Signs of Child Labour
A number of signals can indicate that children are involved in child labour or the worst forms of child labour (WFCL) such as forms of slavery, commercial sexual exploitation, or trafficking. A child...
Child Labour Tool | Signs of Child Labour
Child Labour Tool | Child Labour in Refugee, Internally
This tool provides an overview of risks for and key actions to protect children in refugee, internally displaced and migrant populations.
Child Labour Tool | Child Labour in Refugee, Internally
Child Labour Tool | Disability and Child Labour
The linkages between disability and child labour are complex, and clear evidence on their causal relationship is still hard to come by – in particular the question of whether children with...
Child Labour Tool | Disability and Child Labour
Child Labour Tool | Guidance for Child Protection Case
This is guidance for caseworkers and case managers who provide child protection case management services for children in child labour, including the worst forms of child labour. This guidance...
Child Labour Tool | Guidance for Child Protection Case
Child Labour Tool | Addressing Child Labour During
This is guidance for practitioners who are working in contexts of infectious disease outbreaks. It outlines the child labour risks associated with infectious disease outbreaks and the recommended...
Child Labour Tool | Addressing Child Labour During
Child Labour Tool | What We Need to Know About Child Labour
This tool – What We Need To Know (WWNK) – presents the pieces of information that we need to know about the child labour situation, in order to plan for a strategic response. It provides a framework...
Child Labour Tool | What We Need to Know About Child Labour
Child Labour Tool | Child Labour Risk and Protective Factors
This overview presents common risk and protective factors in humanitarian settings. It is important to identify risk and protective factors in the specific context to better understand what factors...
Child Labour Tool | Child Labour Risk and Protective Factors
Child Labour Tool | Body Safety
In addition to regular and consistent safety assessments, case workers can hold separate sessions with children and caregivers on body safety and safety planning. This can help children to communicate...
Child Labour Tool | Body Safety
Child Labour Tool | Age Verification for Working Children
Where children may be engaged in vocational training, livelihoods or decent work programmes, humanitarian actors will need to verify the age of the child, to ensure that children are old enough to...
Child Labour Tool | Age Verification for Working Children
Child Labour Tool | Measuring Child Labour in Humanitarian
Child labour data can be hard to come by, especially when it comes to the worst forms of child labour. At the same time, this data is essential to inform strategic decision-making and response...
Child Labour Tool | Measuring Child Labour in Humanitarian
Child Labour Tool | Psychosocial Impacts of Child Labour
Child labour can seriously affect children’s social and emotional development and wellbeing. Different aspects of children’s work can cause harm to their psychosocial wellbeing. The impact of...
Child Labour Tool | Psychosocial Impacts of Child Labour
Child Labour Tool | Child Labour Risk Matrix
A risk matrix is a case management tool that caseworkers and their supervisors can use during the assessment of an individual child in or at risk of child labour. The risk matrix can help determine...
Child Labour Tool | Child Labour Risk Matrix
Child Labour Tool | Supporting At-Risk Children and
This tool provides additional guidance on promoting inclusive humanitarian action with and for working children and adolescents who are in or at risk of child labour/WFCL, with specific attention to...
Child Labour Tool | Supporting At-Risk Children and
Child Labour Tool | Preventing Child Labour Risk Factors
SAMPLE RISK ASSESSMENT QUESTIONS: Do vulnerable groups targeted by the intervention include working children and their families? Do children already work in the areas where the intervention hopes to...
Child Labour Tool | Preventing Child Labour Risk Factors
Child Labour Tool | Safety Planning
Safety planning is part of the case management process and is a tool for both the child and the case worker to keep the child safe from harm. During the initial assessment of the child’s situation...
Child Labour Tool | Safety Planning
Child Labour Tool | Child Labour Key Messages
The following key messages can be used and adapted to a variety of humanitarian contexts. Where it is safe and possible to do so, consult with children in child labour as well as with families and...
Child Labour Tool | Child Labour Key Messages
Child Labour Tools | Child Labour Information Sources
This tool contians several child labour data sources for you to explore.
Child Labour Tools | Child Labour Information Sources
Child Labour Tool | Children Are Not Little Adults
Many people assume that the work children do is not particularly dangerous, or that workplace dangers and hazards for adults affect children in the same way. However, children are affected more...
Child Labour Tool | Children Are Not Little Adults
Report | Capacity Needs and Gaps Analysis: CAAFAG
The Alliance CAAFAG Task Force is implementing an interagency project with the aim to strengthen the capacities of field practitioners to design and implement programs related to the prevention of...
Report | Capacity Needs and Gaps Analysis: CAAFAG
Japanese | 人道行動における子どもの保護の最低基準 (第2版)
「人道支援活動における子どもの保護のための最低基準(CPMS)」は、2012年の発表以来、人道支援活動家にとって重要なリソースのひとつとなっています。 CPMSは、人道支援の現場における子どもの保護活動を支援するために開発されました。 子どもの保護に携わる人々の間で共通の原則を確立する。 人道支援活動家間の連携を強化する。 子どもの保護プログラムの質と子どもへの影響を改善する。...
Japanese | 人道行動における子どもの保護の最低基準 (第2版)

Child Labour Case Study | Centre-Based Services and Cash
This case study describes a new approach to centre-based services and cash assistance to address child labour in Turkey.
Child Labour Case Study | Centre-Based Services and Cash
Child Labour Case Study | Conditional Cash Programming to
This case study describes how conditional cash assistance was used to promote education as an alternative for child labour among Syrian refugee children and vulnerable Turkish children in Şanlıurfa...
Child Labour Case Study | Conditional Cash Programming to
Child Labour Case Study | Mobile Child-Friendly Spaces for
This case study describes how mobile child-friendly spaces supported children in child labour and home-bound girls in vulnerable communities in Jordan.
Child Labour Case Study | Mobile Child-Friendly Spaces for
Child Labour Case Study | Measuring Child Labour in
This case study compares two approaches to in-depth child labour assessment in Lebanon and describes the main lessons learned.
Child Labour Case Study | Measuring Child Labour in
Child Labour Case Study | Holistic Programming for
This case study describes a holistic, community-level approach to supporting children in, and at risk of child labour in urban areas of Amman, Jordan.
Child Labour Case Study | Holistic Programming for
Child Labour Case Study | Multi-Sectoral Services for
This case study describes a multi-sectoral and multi-level approach to addressing child labour in urban and semi-urban areas in Jordan.
Child Labour Case Study | Multi-Sectoral Services for
Child Labour Case Study | Standard Operating Procedures for
This case study describes a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) developed in Jordan to prevent child labour and identify at-risk children during distributions.
Child Labour Case Study | Standard Operating Procedures for
Child Labour Case Study | Child-Centred Multi-Risk
In disaster, conflict and other crisis situations children are often exposed to new risks or exacerbated threats, such as physical violence, family separation and child labour. While child protection...
Child Labour Case Study | Child-Centred Multi-Risk
Child Labour Case Study | Guidance on hazardous child
This case study describes how agricultural actors in Niger collaborated to address hazardous child labour in agriculture.
Child Labour Case Study | Guidance on hazardous child
Child Labour Case Study | Multi-Sectoral Services for
This case study describes (i) a comprehensive approach to service provision for children living and working on the streets in Lebanon and (ii) the main lessons learned and effective approaches of the...
Child Labour Case Study | Multi-Sectoral Services for
Child Labour Case Study | Supporting Children in Child
This case study describes how child-friendly spaces provided holistic (prevention) activities and psychosocial support for children in child labour in Rakhine State, Myanmar.
Child Labour Case Study | Supporting Children in Child
Child Labour Case Study | Measuring Child Labour Through
This case study describes how measuring child labour has been integrated into national household surveys in Lebanon. It describes both common and speci c challenges to each survey, as well as key...
Child Labour Case Study | Measuring Child Labour Through
Child Labour Case Study | Child Labour Guidance and Tools
This case study describes how child labour guidance and tools improved child labour law enforcement in Jordan.
Child Labour Case Study | Child Labour Guidance and Tools
Child Labour Case Study | Promoting Education to Prevent
This case study describes how tailored education and psychosocial support for at-risk Syrian and Lebanese adolescent girls has helped to prevent child labour.
Child Labour Case Study | Promoting Education to Prevent
Child Labour Case Study | Supporting Street-Based Children
This case study describes how mobile service units were e ective in reaching, identifying and supporting children who were living and working on the streets in Egypt. It also describes the main...
Child Labour Case Study | Supporting Street-Based Children
Child Labour Case Study | Regional Child Labour Strategy
This case study describes lessons learned from the inter-agency process of developing a regional child labour strategy covering Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey, in response to the rising...
Child Labour Case Study | Regional Child Labour Strategy
Child Labour Case Study | The Nature, Extent and Patterns
The nature, extent and patterns of child labour can drastically change in an emergency or crisis setting. In the Philippines, child labour increased in the aftermath of Super Typhoon Haiyan in 2013...
Child Labour Case Study | The Nature, Extent and Patterns
Child Labour Case Study | Integrated Child Protection, WASH
This case study describes how an integrated protection, WASH and case assistance project aimed to prevent and respond to child labour among adolescents in Syria.
Child Labour Case Study | Integrated Child Protection, WASH
Child Labour Case Study | Community-based care and
This case study describes an innovative approach to care and mentoring support for adolescent girls in domestic labour in Burkina Faso.
Child Labour Case Study | Community-based care and
Child Labour Case Study | Addressing Child Labour at
This case study describes how UNRWA addressed child labour issues at distribution centres in Gaza through an integrated education, economic-strengthening and protection project.
Child Labour Case Study | Addressing Child Labour at
Child Labour Case Study | Integrating Child Labour into
This case study describes (i) how child labour has been integrated into (multi-sector) humanitarian needs assessments in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Iraq and the Philippines and (ii) the main challenges...
Child Labour Case Study | Integrating Child Labour into
Executive Summary | Still Unprotected: Humanitarian Funding
Children have a fundamental right to be protected, wherever they live. Children affected by humanitarian crises are among the most vulnerable to abuse, exploitation, violence and neglect and most in...
Executive Summary | Still Unprotected: Humanitarian Funding

CPHA Competency Framework: Tools and Trainings
Welcome to the CPHA Competency Framework tools and training package! In this package you will find: Three tools that have been developed to support CP and HR practitioners to operationalise the...
CPHA Competency Framework: Tools and Trainings
Technical Note | Girls Associated with Armed Forces and
This Technical Note provides information on the challenges that girls associated with armed forces and armed groups (GAAFAG) face during their recruitment, their period of association, and their...
Technical Note | Girls Associated with Armed Forces and

Policy Paper | Social Protection & Child Protection:
"This unprecedented socio-economic crisis has already rapidly exacerbated root causes of some of the biggest threats to child survival and well-being, such as hunger, reduced access to health...
Policy Paper | Social Protection & Child Protection:

2020-2021 COVID-19 Work Plan | The Alliance for Child
Since COVID-19 was declared a global pandemic, the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action has been working to produce and disseminate much needed technical guidance, advocacy material...
2020-2021 COVID-19 Work Plan | The Alliance for Child
The Alliance 2020 Annual Meeting Moments Report
Did you miss out on the Alliance 2020 Annual Meeting on Infectious Disease Oubreaks and the Protection of Children? No need to worry - you can follow-along just as if you were at the 2020 Annual...
The Alliance 2020 Annual Meeting Moments Report
Report | Still Unprotected: Humanitarian Funding for Child
Why is protection of children in humanitarian contexts so neglected, and what can we do to better protect these children from harm? In 2019, the Alliance, Save the Children and the Child Protection...
Report | Still Unprotected: Humanitarian Funding for Child

Annual Meeting Blog | Knitting Together a Community for
Knitting together a community for wellness? 7 October 2020 “I don’t know how to knit. It seems complicated. But this past-time was brought up more than once by child protection specialists yesterday...
Annual Meeting Blog | Knitting Together a Community for
Annual Meeting Blog | Welcome Remarks from Hani Mansourian
Special thanks to support from our donors, particularly the USG, and SDC, as well as UNICEF and UNHCR. Special thanks also to Rees Mccann in collaboration with Basis, that specializes in online events...
Annual Meeting Blog | Welcome Remarks from Hani Mansourian
Annual Meeting Blog | Opening Remarks with Ms. Gillian
As Ms. Gillian Triggs welcomed participants to the 2020 Annual Meeting, she highlighted that in today’s environment, respecting the centrality of protection and promoting the protection of all persons...
Annual Meeting Blog | Opening Remarks with Ms. Gillian
Guidance | Social Protection and Child Protection: How to
To find the FINAL VERSION of this policy paper, CLICK HERE! The objective of this guidance is to lay out key arguments for close collaboration across Social Protection and Child Protection to address...
Guidance | Social Protection and Child Protection: How to

Child Labour Task Force Work Plan 2020-2021
GOAL: Humanitarian responders and development actors have the knowledge, skills and tools to implement quality and coordinated child labour in emergencies preparedness, prevention and response actions
Child Labour Task Force Work Plan 2020-2021
Speaker and Presenter Bios
This resource is a list of the summary biographies of the speakers and presenters of the 2020 Annual Meeting for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action. * Note: For any additions or corrections...
Speaker and Presenter Bios
Child Protection Minimum Standards Implementation Toolkit
With the 2019 edition of the Minimum Standards for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action (CPMS), we are well prepared to improve quality and accountability in children’s protection and well-being...
Child Protection Minimum Standards Implementation Toolkit
Summary of Abstracts
This booklet contains a summary of abstracts that were submitted for the 2020 Annual Meeting for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action from October 5-16, 2020. The theme of this meeting is...
Summary of Abstracts
Background Paper | 2.2 Billion Children: How Do We Ensure
COVID-19 is a public health crisis engulfing the world, confining and separating populations, and transforming lives. Rapidly imposed nation-wide containment, control, and mitigation strategies have...
Background Paper | 2.2 Billion Children: How Do We Ensure

2020 Annual Meeting Agenda
Please find the Agenda for the 2020 Annual Meeting attached below. You will can also find each day's individual agenda attached below.
2020 Annual Meeting Agenda
2020 Annual Meeting | Presenter's Checklist: How to
Please find the Presenter's Checklist on How to Participate in the Annual Meeting 2020. The checklist inlcudes: Instructions to join Zoom sessions Steps to complete immediately How to prepare for this...
2020 Annual Meeting | Presenter's Checklist: How to
2020 Annual Meeting | Participant's Checklist: How to
Please find the Participant Checklist on How to Attend This Year’s Annual Meeting The checklist includes: Joining instructions to access Zoom sessions Steps to complete 3-5 working days before the...
2020 Annual Meeting | Participant's Checklist: How to
Guidance | Minimum Standards for Child Protection in
Today, one in four children lives in a country affected by conflict or disaster. Crises tend to last longer and become protracted, increasingly blurring the lines between humanitarian and longer-term...
Guidance | Minimum Standards for Child Protection in
Guidance for Alternative Care Provision During COVID-19
This document provides practical guidance to actors in humanitarian and development contexts on the adaptations and considerations needed to support children who are either currently in alternative...
Guidance for Alternative Care Provision During COVID-19

«Education in Emergencies - Child Protection» Collaboration
The CP-EiE Collaboration framework supports Education and CP coordination teams’ predictable and coherent collaboration throughout the Humanitarian Programme Cycle (HPC). At each step of the HPC, it...
«Education in Emergencies - Child Protection» Collaboration

COVID-19 Evidence Synthesis: Forcibly Displaced Children
From April 2020 to December 2021, the COVID-19 mapping team published the COVID-19 Evidence Synthesis series as a periodic digest of COVID-19 related resources (guidance, news, and academic articles)...
COVID-19 Evidence Synthesis: Forcibly Displaced Children

Community-Level Child Protection Online Learning Series
This Online Learning Series follows Nina, a girl who has been displaced from her home, while she adjusts to her new setting and interacts with Child Protection actors. The 4-Part Video Series Covers...
Community-Level Child Protection Online Learning Series
Advocacy Brief | Prioritizing the Safety of Children Online
COVID-19 has prompted widespread school closures and physical distancing measures, making online platforms and communities essential to maintaining a sense of normalcy. While children and their...
Advocacy Brief | Prioritizing the Safety of Children Online

Weighing up the Risks: School Closure and Re-opening under
In Weighing up the risks: School closure and reopening under COVID-19 — When, Why, and What Impacts?, the Alliance and INEE have developed a balanced analysis to inform decisions based on holistic...
Weighing up the Risks: School Closure and Re-opening under

Technical Note BRIEF | Protection of Children during the
The Alliance is excited to present this Technical Note BRIEF to give child protection actors an overview - including key questions and considerations - of version 2 of the Technical Note on Protection...
Technical Note BRIEF | Protection of Children during the
COVID-19 Evidence Synthesis: Child Participation
From April 2020 to December 2021, the COVID-19 mapping team published the COVID-19 Evidence Synthesis series as a periodic digest of COVID-19 related resources (guidance, news, and academic articles)...
COVID-19 Evidence Synthesis: Child Participation

A Review of Child Protection Caseworkers Recruitment and
Child protection case management in humanitarian settings requires caseworkers with the knowledge and skills to support vulnerable children and families during distressing events and in environments...
A Review of Child Protection Caseworkers Recruitment and
COVID-19 Evidence Synthesis: Impact of School Closures on
From April 2020 to December 2021, the COVID-19 mapping team published the COVID-19 Evidence Synthesis series as a periodic digest of COVID-19 related resources (guidance, news, and academic articles)...
COVID-19 Evidence Synthesis: Impact of School Closures on

COVID-19 Synthesis | Evidence Briefs
Overview: The COVID-19 Synthesis series is a periodic digest of COVID-19 related resources (guidance, news, and academic articles), with the purpose to identify emerging child protection risks...
COVID-19 Synthesis | Evidence Briefs
Guidance | Children, Isolation and Quarantine: Preventing
Drafted in collaboration with WHO, this UNICEF document on “Children, Isolation and Quarantine: Preventing Family Separation and Other Child Protection Considerations during the COVID-19 Pandemic”...
Guidance | Children, Isolation and Quarantine: Preventing

Technical Note: Adaptation of Child Protection Case
Child Protection Case Management (CP CM) is part of the essential services that cannot be stopped suddenly, but which requires adaptation to the new emergency. This technical note builds on existing...
Technical Note: Adaptation of Child Protection Case

Technical Note: Adaptation of Child Protection Case
Child Protection Case Management (CP CM) is part of the essential services that cannot be stopped suddenly, but which requires adaptation to the new emergency. This technical note builds on existing...
Technical Note: Adaptation of Child Protection Case

COVID-19 Evidence Synthesis: Child Labour
From April 2020 to December 2021, the COVID-19 mapping team published the COVID-19 Evidence Synthesis series as a periodic digest of COVID-19 related resources (guidance, news, and academic articles)...
COVID-19 Evidence Synthesis: Child Labour

Technical Note: Protection of Children during the
The Alliance has now produced a version 2 of the technical note on the protection of children during the COVID-19 pandemic. Aim of this brief: To support child protection practitioners and policy...
Technical Note: Protection of Children during the

Technical Note: Child Helplines and the Protection of
As a response to the COVID-19 crisis, child protection actors and service providers are exploring how they can continue to provide support to children, families and communities remotely through the...
Technical Note: Child Helplines and the Protection of

Key Messages and Considerations for Programming for
Every day a child remains with an armed force or group, he or she is at risk of physical, psychological and sexual violence, and even death. Prevention of recruitment; separating children from armed...
Key Messages and Considerations for Programming for

Working with Communities to Keep Children Safe, v.1.1
Infectious diseases like COVID-19 can disrupt the protective environments in which children grow and develop. Disruptions to families, friendships, daily routines and the wider community can have...
Working with Communities to Keep Children Safe, v.1.1

Infectious diseases like COVID-19 can disrupt the protective environments in which children grow and develop. Disruptions to families, friendships, daily routines and the wider community can have...

Technical Note: COVID-19 and Child Labour
Worldwide, an estimated 152 million children are in child labour, almost half of them, 73 million, work in hazardous child labour. The global health crisis is leading to mass disruption with far...
Technical Note: COVID-19 and Child Labour

COVID-19: Protecting Children from Violence, Abuse and
It is abundantly clear that risk factors for violence, abuse, and neglect are on the rise for children under containment. At the same time, some COVID-19 prevention measures have abruptly cut children...
COVID-19: Protecting Children from Violence, Abuse and

2019 CPMS & COVID-19 Brief
The 2019 Minimum Standards for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action provide critical actions to keep children safe and support children and families’ well-being in infectious disease settings like...
2019 CPMS & COVID-19 Brief
Social Service Workforce Safety and Wellness during the
A well-supported, appropriately equipped, empowered, and protected social service workforce is essential to mitigating the damaging effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Social service workers can build...
Social Service Workforce Safety and Wellness during the

2019 Annual Meeting Report: The Humanitarian-Development
The 2019 Annual Meeting was held in Geneva, Switzerland, and brought nearly 150 participants from around the world. The "Humanitarian-Development Nexus" focused the presentations around the strengths...
2019 Annual Meeting Report: The Humanitarian-Development
Capacity-Building Package | Strengthening Community-level
The Strengthening Community-level Child Protection in Humanitarian Action Capacity-building Package is intended to help practitioners adapt more community-driven approaches into their current...
Capacity-Building Package | Strengthening Community-level

2019 Annual Report: The Alliance for Child Protection in
2019 was marked by the launch of the 2019 Edition of the Minimum Standards for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action (CPMS) at the Annual Meeting in Geneva. This new edition integrates field...
2019 Annual Report: The Alliance for Child Protection in
A Reflective Field Guide: Community-level Approaches to
The Community-level Approaches to Child Protection in Humanitarian Action Reflective Field Guide aims to contribute to fostering more authentic community engagement in humanitarian child protection...
A Reflective Field Guide: Community-level Approaches to
Advocacy Messages for Child Protection Actors: Prioritizing
Emergency responses to COVID-19 are intended to speed containment of the virus but can have devastating consequences for children if they ignore unique risks to their safety and fail to include...
Advocacy Messages for Child Protection Actors: Prioritizing

CPMS Standard 18 - Case Management
Case management (CM) is an approach for addressing the needs of an individual child who is at risk of harm or has been harmed. The child and their family are supported by a caseworker in a systematic...
CPMS Standard 18 - Case Management
2019 Edition of the Minimum Standards for Child Protection
The Minimum Standards for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action (CPMS) have become one of the key resources for humanitarian workers since its launch in 2012. The CPMS have been developed to support...
2019 Edition of the Minimum Standards for Child Protection

Protection of Children during the COVID-19 Pandemic:
Evidence from previous infectious disease outbreaks indicate that existing child protection risks are exacerbated, and new ones emerge, as a result of the epidemic as well as of the socioeconomic...
Protection of Children during the COVID-19 Pandemic:

Technical Note: COVID-19 and Children Deprived of their
Experience from previous infectious disease outbreaks indicates that new child protection risks are likely to emerge from the direct effects of COVID-19 as well as from measures to prevent and control...
Technical Note: COVID-19 and Children Deprived of their

Technical Note Summary: Protection of Children during the
The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action (The Alliance) has provided guidance for child protection (CP) practitioners on how to effectively respond to CP risks and complications amidst...
Technical Note Summary: Protection of Children during the
Child Labour Tool | Coordinators' Checklist
This checklist is developed for practitioners who are responsible for inter-agency coordination during preparedness, response and recovery phases of a humanitarian crisis. The actions listed in the...
Child Labour Tool | Coordinators' Checklist
Case Management Supervision and Coaching Lessons Learned
The Case Management Supervision and Coaching Lessons Learned Report in English and French documents the effects of the initiative on collaboration and coordination, contextualization and localization...
Case Management Supervision and Coaching Lessons Learned

Case Management Supervision and Coaching Lessons Learned
The purpose of the lessons learned consultancy was to gather and draft key lessons learned on the Case Management Supervision and Coaching initiative. Key questions that the Task Force wanted to...
Case Management Supervision and Coaching Lessons Learned
Parenting and MHPSS Webinar Series: REAL Fathers
This webinar is part of the Parenting and MHPSS Webinar Series, hosted by the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action's Family Strengthening Task Force. The Responsible, Engaged and...
Parenting and MHPSS Webinar Series: REAL Fathers
Summary - Minimum Standards for Child Protection in
This is the summary version of the first edition of the 2019 Edition of the Minimum Standards for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action (CPMS) handbook. All of the principles and standards in the e...
Summary - Minimum Standards for Child Protection in

Case Management Competencies
The Case Management Comptencies and Skills Framework can be used as a guide to recruit and build the capacity of caseworkers and supervisors. The framework ensures all staff have appropriate skills...
Case Management Competencies

Information Management for Case Management
The key resources for Information Management for Case Management (IM4CM) include the Standard Child Protection Case Management Forms, the CPIMS+ and the Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) and...
Information Management for Case Management

Cash Transfer Programming and Child Protection in
As prevalence of cash transfer programming in humanitarian response has grown, so too has the recognition that the child protection sector must learn how to use case transfer programs to achieve...
Cash Transfer Programming and Child Protection in

Case Management Quality Assessment Framework
The prevalent use of case management in humanitarian settings as an approach to respond to the child protection needs of individual children has led to an increased emphasis on the importance of being...
Case Management Quality Assessment Framework

Inter-agency Child Protection Case Mangement Standard
Inter-agency Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) guide Child Protection Case Management programming in humanitarian settings by enabling service providers to harmonise and standardise services and...
Inter-agency Child Protection Case Mangement Standard

Resources for Safe Spaces for Children in Humanitarian
Safe Spaces for children, including Child Friendly Spaces (CFS), are interventions used by humanitarian agencies to increase children’s access to safe environments and promote their psychosocial well...
Resources for Safe Spaces for Children in Humanitarian

Summary: Community Based Child Protection in Humanitarian
This is a summary of the Alliance's Community Based Child Protection in Humanitarian Action: Definitions and Terminology . A chapter-level summary is presented in 12 postcard-sized slides...
Summary: Community Based Child Protection in Humanitarian

Child Protection in Emergencies Situation and Response
The purpose of the toolkit is to provide guidance on how to develop and implement systems for monitoring child protection issues that affect children in humanitarian settings, as well as for...
Child Protection in Emergencies Situation and Response

Summary: Review on Child Wellbeing in Humanitarian Action:
This is a summary of the Alliance's Desk Review on Child Wellbeing in Humanitarian Action: Concepts, Definitions, and Domains. A chapter-level summary is presented in 11 postcard-sized slides...
Summary: Review on Child Wellbeing in Humanitarian Action:

Summary: Review of Existing Definitions and Explanations of
This is a summary of the Alliance's Discussion Paper: Review of Existing Definitions and Explanations of Abuse, Neglect, Exploitation and Violence against Children. A chapter-level summary is...
Summary: Review of Existing Definitions and Explanations of

Unprotected: Crisis in humanitarian funding for child
All children have a fundamental right to protection, but the needs of children in emergencies are far from being met. In 2018, almost 50 million children were in need of protection in humanitarian...
Unprotected: Crisis in humanitarian funding for child

Discussion Paper: Review of Existing Definitions and
Academics, scholars, and practitioners have a tendency to use one term – typically “abuse” or “violence” – as the umbrella term for a full range of types of child maltreatment including neglect...
Discussion Paper: Review of Existing Definitions and

Community Based Child Protection in Humanitarian Action:
This resouce provides a list of common Community Based Child Protection (CBCP) - related terms and their definitions - is intended to show the evolving definitions around CBCP. Terms include...
Community Based Child Protection in Humanitarian Action:

Desk Review on Child Wellbeing in Humanitarian Action:
This desk review represents the first step in a larger process to develop an overarching definition of child wellbeing that can be adapted according to context and used to define strategic objectives...
Desk Review on Child Wellbeing in Humanitarian Action:

Child Protection Rapid Assessment (CPRA) Toolkit Review
This report provides findings and analysis on the use of the Child Protection Rapid Assessment (CPRA) Toolkit between 2014 and 2018. It includes recommendations for (a) improving the CPRA Toolkit and...
Child Protection Rapid Assessment (CPRA) Toolkit Review

Coordination of Case Management
There are two key resources related to Case Management Coordination in humanitarian settings, these are the Case Management Standard Operating Procedures Guidance and Template. Other Coordination...
Coordination of Case Management

Monitoring & Evaluating for Quality Case Management
There are two key resources related to monitoring and evaluating child protection case management in humanitarian settings. They include the Quality Assessment Framework and the Case Management...
Monitoring & Evaluating for Quality Case Management

2018 Annual Report: The Alliance for Child Protection in
2018 was marked by the development of the first 2018-2020 Alliance Strategic Plan and 2018-2020 Alliance Work Plan. The key objectives in these documents were developed after extensive consultation...
2018 Annual Report: The Alliance for Child Protection in

2018 Alliance-INEE Roundtable Resources
The The Inter-Agency Network of Education in Emergencies (INEE) and the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action (The Alliance), in partnership with Elevate Children Funders Group and...
2018 Alliance-INEE Roundtable Resources
Advocacy Brief: Integrating child protection and education
Integrating child protection and education creates a mutually-reinforcing cycle that can reduce children’s vulnerability in emergencies. A quality education increases children and families’ resilience...
Advocacy Brief: Integrating child protection and education
Hannah Has a New Job: CPMS Induction Video
Meet Hannah! It's her first week as a Child Protection Officer. This new video introduces Hannah to the Minimum Standards for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action. It's designed for newly hired...
Hannah Has a New Job: CPMS Induction Video

Global Child Labour Task Force Terms of Reference
In 2011 a child labour task group was established under the former global Child Protection Working Group (CPWG) to develop CPMS1 Standard 12 on Child Labour. In 2012, a CPWG survey among country child...
Global Child Labour Task Force Terms of Reference
Summary: 2018-2020 The Alliance for Child Protection in
Through extensive consultation with local, national, regional and global humanitarian actors, the Alliance has defined its strategic priorities for the period 2018−2020. These priorities were...
Summary: 2018-2020 The Alliance for Child Protection in
Child Protection Case Management Supervision and Coaching
The Case Management Supervision and Coaching Training Package is developed to increase case management supervisors’ confidence, capacity and support to caseworkers to provide safe, ethical and...
Child Protection Case Management Supervision and Coaching

What Questions are Answered in the Guidance Note:
This short video presents an overview of the questions addressed by the Guidance Note: Protection of Children during Infectious Disease Outbreaks. It is useful for introducing and generating interest...
What Questions are Answered in the Guidance Note:
Summary Recommendations: How to protect children during
This short video contains a review of recommendations from Guidance Note: Protection of children during infectious disease outbreaks.
Summary Recommendations: How to protect children during
Study Guide: Protection of children during infectious
This study guide is a companion to Guidance Note: Protection of Children during Infectious Disease Outbreaks, which provides humanitarian child protection practitioners with guidance on how to engage...
Study Guide: Protection of children during infectious

Guidance Note: Protection of children during infectious
This Guidance Note aims to provide humanitarian child protection practitioners, particularly child protection advisors and program managers, with guidance on how to engage in responses to infectious...
Guidance Note: Protection of children during infectious

2018-2020 The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian
This work plan sets out the interagency standard setting and normative work of the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action (Alliance), which aims to strengthen quality and effectiveness...
2018-2020 The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian
2018-2020 The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian
Through extensive consultation with local, national, regional and global humanitarian actors, the Alliance defined its strategic priorities for the period 2018−2020. These priorities were considered...
2018-2020 The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian
Strengthening Community-Based Child Protection in
In 2017, the CBCP TF received funding from USAID/OFDA to develop a Field Guide to Strengthening CBCP in Humanitarian Settings (Field Guide) and accompanying capacity building initiative that includes...
Strengthening Community-Based Child Protection in
2016-2017 The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian
The Alliance supports the efforts of humanitarian actors to achieve high-quality and effective child protection interventions in humanitarian contexts (in both refugee and non-refugee settings). As a...
2016-2017 The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian
Case Management Supervision and Coaching Package Chapter 2
These materials make up Chapter 2: Supervision Practices and Tools of the Case Management Supervision and Coaching Package. The Case Management Task Force (CMTF) of the Alliance for Child Protection...
Case Management Supervision and Coaching Package Chapter 2
Briefing note: Setting the Global Research Agenda for Child
At the end of 2017, the Assessment, Measurement and Evidence (AME) Working Group of the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action undertook a research prioritization exercise, adapted from...
Briefing note: Setting the Global Research Agenda for Child

Case Management Supervision and Coaching Package Chapter 5
These materials make up Chapter 5: Closing the CM Supervision Training of the Case Management Supervision and Coaching Package. The Case Management Task Force (CMTF) of the Alliance for Child...
Case Management Supervision and Coaching Package Chapter 5
Case Management Supervision and Coaching Package Chapter 4
These materials make up Chapter 4: Staff Care and Wellbeing of the Case Management Supervision and Coaching Package. The Case Management Task Force (CMTF) of the Alliance for Child Protection in...
Case Management Supervision and Coaching Package Chapter 4
Child Neglect in Humanitarian Settings: Literature review
The available data routinely demonstrates that child neglect is the most common form of child maltreatment and is the leading cause of death in child maltreatment cases.The purpose of this literature...
Child Neglect in Humanitarian Settings: Literature review

Case Management Supervision and Coaching Package Chapter 3
These materials make up Chapter 3: Supervision and Coaching Skills of the Case Management Supervision and Coaching Package. The Case Management Task Force (CMTF) of the Alliance for Child Protection...
Case Management Supervision and Coaching Package Chapter 3
The Alliance-INEE Roundtable Report: A framework for
The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action (Alliance) and the Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE) are committed to supporting practitioners in improving the quality...
The Alliance-INEE Roundtable Report: A framework for

CPMS Country Consultation Toolkit
As part of the revision of the Minimum Standards for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action (CPMS), the CPMS Working Group of the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action has developed...
CPMS Country Consultation Toolkit
Case Management Supervision and Coaching Training Package
The Case Management Task Force (CMTF) of the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action created the Case Management Supervision and Coaching Training Package to increase case management...
Case Management Supervision and Coaching Training Package

Briefing Note - Guidance Note: Protection of children
This briefing note provides an overview of the Guidance Note: Protection of children during infectious disease outbreaks which provides child protection practitioners with guidance on how to ensure...
Briefing Note - Guidance Note: Protection of children

Measuring Separation in Emergencies: Community-based
The Measuring Separation in Emergencies (MSiE) project is an interagency initiative under the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action, funded by the USAID Office of Foreign Disaster...
Measuring Separation in Emergencies: Community-based

Case Management Supervision and Coaching Chapter 6:
These materials make up Chapter 6: Training Admin of the Case Management Supervision and Coaching Package. The Case Management Task Force (CMTF) of the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian...
Case Management Supervision and Coaching Chapter 6:
Study Guide: Child neglect in humanitarian settings
This study guide is a companion to Child Neglect in Humanitarian Settings: Literature Review and Recommendations for Strengthening Prevention and Response, which synthesises evidence on the prevalence...
Study Guide: Child neglect in humanitarian settings

Measuring Separation in Emergencies: Haiti following
The Measuring Separation in Emergencies (MSiE) project is an interagency initiative funded by the USAID Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA) and is coordinated by Save the Children in...
Measuring Separation in Emergencies: Haiti following

2016-2017 Alliance Report
The Alliance supports the efforts of humanitarian actors to achieve high-quality and effective child protection interventions in humanitarian contexts (in both refugee and non-refugee settings). As a...
2016-2017 Alliance Report
Evidence and Resources on the Improvement of Children’s
There are over 62 million children living in areas of humanitarian crisis. Research has indicated that although secure caregiving can help children face the stressors of war and disaster, in these...
Evidence and Resources on the Improvement of Children’s

Guidance Note for Reviewing Child Protection in Emergencies
These notes have been developed by the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action (the Alliance) in collaboration with the Child Protection Area of Responsibility (CP AoR) as a practical aid...
Guidance Note for Reviewing Child Protection in Emergencies

Mapping of Interventions to Support Parents/Caregivers in
This global, interagency mapping presents the types of psychosocial interventions being conducted, where they are implemented, by whom they are sponsored, and for whom they are designed.
Mapping of Interventions to Support Parents/Caregivers in
Site Specific Child Protection Rapid Assessment: A guidance
This guidance note is an addendum to the Child Protection Rapid Assessment (CPRA) toolkit produced by the Child Protection Working Group. It should be used in conjunction with the CPRA toolkit in...
Site Specific Child Protection Rapid Assessment: A guidance

CPMS Video Series: Mainstreaming Standards 19-26
Standards 19-26 of the Minimum Standards for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action (CPMS) focus on mainstreaming of children’s protection in all humanitarian action. Mainstreaming child protection...
CPMS Video Series: Mainstreaming Standards 19-26

CPMS Implementation Case Studies
This series of Case Studies provide examples of how the Minimum Standards for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action (CPMS) have been applied and adapted to various contexts. Case Study: Education...
CPMS Implementation Case Studies
Engaging Humanitarian Learners: Strengthening child
This lively discussion led by colleagues from the Global Trauma Project looked at helping workshop participants transition from front-line, overstretched humanitarian workers to learners for a day (or...
Engaging Humanitarian Learners: Strengthening child

Preventing Household Violence: Promising strategies for
Violence against women (VAW) and violence against children (VAC) are both global epidemics with prolonged impact on the health, well-being, and safety of both individuals and communities. The...
Preventing Household Violence: Promising strategies for

CPMS Webinar: Sexual violence against children with
Sexual violence against children with disabilities is an under-explored topic in the humanitarian sector. Sofia Hedjam- regional advisor for Handicap International's Great Lakes operations- presented...
CPMS Webinar: Sexual violence against children with

CPMS Webinar: Sexual violence and exploitation of boys in
The aim of the CPMS webinar series is for child protection practitioners to improve their ability to build staff and partners' capacity to implement the minimum standards. This webinar will be a...
CPMS Webinar: Sexual violence and exploitation of boys in

Designing and Implementing CPiE Learning & Development
In this webinar, Natalie McCauley presents the Alliance's approach to developing and using CP L&D strategies given the limited resources of humanitarian settings. Based on her experience supporting...
Designing and Implementing CPiE Learning & Development

CPMS Video Series: Standard 15, Case management
Case Management, Standard 15, is a part of the Minimum Standards for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action (CPMS). During humanitarian emergencies, children face violenc,e abuse, neglect, and...
CPMS Video Series: Standard 15, Case management

This is What Needs to be Done to Protect Children in
This compelling infographic provides the top ten requirements for protecting children in humanitarian action.
This is What Needs to be Done to Protect Children in
Toolkit on Unaccompanied and Separated Children (UASC)
The Unaccompanied and Separated Children (UASC) Toolkit is a product of the Inter-agency Working Group on Unaccompanied and Separated Children (IAWG UASC). It was produced in conjunction with the...
Toolkit on Unaccompanied and Separated Children (UASC)

Developing and Using Case Studies for CPiE Training Purposes
Using the Child Protection Minimum Standards (CPMS) mainstreaming case studies (and facilitators guide), Samantha Newman shared her professional experience of developing and using case studies...
Developing and Using Case Studies for CPiE Training Purposes

Child Protection in Emergencies Assessment Flowchart
This flowchart is designed to help determine the type of assessment needed in a given humanitarian context.
Child Protection in Emergencies Assessment Flowchart
Child Protection in Emergencies Initial Assessment (CPIA)
This toolkit aims to provide a methodology to generate the necessary evidence for Child Protection in Emergency (CPiE) response and programming and to inform the development of the Humanitarian Needs...
Child Protection in Emergencies Initial Assessment (CPIA)
Inter-Agency Toolkit: Supporting the protection needs of
Historically, the response to child labour in emergencies has been inadequate, but it is increasingly recognised as a growing issue in many emergencies, and is no longer only considered a development...
Inter-Agency Toolkit: Supporting the protection needs of

CPMS Video Series: Standard 8, Physical violence and other
This video provides an overview of Standard 8: Physical Violence and Other Harmful Practices of the CPMS (Child Protection Minimum Standards in Humanitarian Action). When using these videos, we...
CPMS Video Series: Standard 8, Physical violence and other

CPMS Video Series: Standard 9, Sexual violence
This video provides an overview of Standard 19: Sexual Violence of the CPMS (Child Protection Minimum Standards in Humanitarian Action). When using these videos, we strongly recommend you refer to the...
CPMS Video Series: Standard 9, Sexual violence

Inter-agency Review of Justice for Children in a
This report suggests that the number of child-victims and the number of children in conflict with the law rise significantly during all types of emergencies. According to practitioners, conflict and...
Inter-agency Review of Justice for Children in a

CPMS Video Series: Facilitator's Notes
These documents were created to promote the use of the CPMS Video series. They are intended to prompt discussion among people who have watched it and want to learn more about the topic, as well as to...
CPMS Video Series: Facilitator's Notes

"Adapting to learn, learning to adapt": Overview
Systems strengthening is becoming a dominant paradigm for many child protection actors. This document provides guidance to all actors working in the international humanitarian community about...
"Adapting to learn, learning to adapt": Overview

Field Handbook on Unaccompanied and Separated Children (
The Unaccompanied and Separated Children (UASC) Field Handbook is a product of the Inter-agency Working Group on Unaccompanied and Separated Children (IAWG UASC). It was produced in conjunction with...
Field Handbook on Unaccompanied and Separated Children (

Child Protection in Humanitarian Action Webinar: A review
Preventing and responding to physical dangers and injuries in humanitarian settings is a core part of the mandate of the global Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action. This webinar...
Child Protection in Humanitarian Action Webinar: A review

Responding to the Worst Forms of Child Labour in Emergencies
Commissioned by the Child Protection Working Group (CPWG) Child Labour Task Force, this review aims to document what humanitarian and child protection communities know about the Worst Forms of Child...
Responding to the Worst Forms of Child Labour in Emergencies

Child Protection Mainstreaming Case Studies Series
This Child Protection Mainstreaming Case Studies Series aims to strengthen the understanding of child protection mainstreaming. It employs good practices to illustrate steps taken, challenges...
Child Protection Mainstreaming Case Studies Series

CPMS Video Series: Standard 13, Unaccompanied and separated
This video provides an overview of Standard 13: Unaccompanied and Separated Children (UASC) of the CPMS (Child Protection Minimum Standards in Humanitarian Action). When using these videos, we...
CPMS Video Series: Standard 13, Unaccompanied and separated

Physical Violence and Other Harmful Practices in
With an increasing number of children being affected by emergencies throughout the world iv and considering the pervasiveness of violence, a better understanding of children’s exposure to physical...
Physical Violence and Other Harmful Practices in

A Five-Step Guide to Developing Inter-Agency Standard
A Five-Step Guide to Developing Inter-Agency Standard Operating Procedures for Child Protection Case Management in Humanitarian Settings aims to encourage a structured approach to developing SOPs for...
A Five-Step Guide to Developing Inter-Agency Standard

Child Protection Case Management Training for Caseworkers,
The Case Management Task Force of the global Child Protection Working Group was formed in late 2012 to operationalize Minimum Standard 15: Case Management. During 2013 the Task Force developed...
Child Protection Case Management Training for Caseworkers,
Alternative Care in Emergencies Toolkit (2013)
The Alternative Care in Emergencies (ACE) Toolkit is designed to facilitate interagency planning and implementation of alternative care and related services for children separated from or unable to...
Alternative Care in Emergencies Toolkit (2013)

May 2000 Child in Armed Conflict Resolution: Optional
The Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on Children's Involvement in Armed Conflict aims to safeguard children from being recruited and used in hostilities. The General...
May 2000 Child in Armed Conflict Resolution: Optional
Call for Applications! Training of Facilitators on Engaging
Do you ever wonder if there is a better way of working with community volunteers in your child protection programs? Do the expectations placed on community volunteers within your case management...
Call for Applications! Training of Facilitators on Engaging

Training Opportunity! Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E)
The Global Case Management Working Group, in collaboration with the Alliance the Child Protection Area of Responsibility (CP AoR), is pleased to offer a training opportunity to pilot the Monitoring...
Training Opportunity! Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E)

Latest news
Red Hand Day 2025
February 12th marks adoption of the Optional Protocol of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child for the protection of children in armed conflict. Also known as ‘Red Hand Day’, this day of...
Red Hand Day 2025

The CPMS is Now Available in Polish and more!
The Minimum Standards for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action (CPMS) are now available in Polish and more, expanding access to critical guidance for child protection practitioners worldwide. The...
The CPMS is Now Available in Polish and more!

Now Open! CPMS Self-Assessment Exercise 2025
The CPMS are the backbone of the humanitarian child protection sector, and we at the Alliance are its custodians. The standards are designed to help us improve the quality of our programming and...
Now Open! CPMS Self-Assessment Exercise 2025

Closed - Call for Abstracts for the 2025 Annual Meeting for
*Special Notice: We have extended the deadline for all abstract submissions to Tuesday, 11th February. We still encourage colleagues to submit abstracts for the 2025 Annual Meeting, even if you are...
Closed - Call for Abstracts for the 2025 Annual Meeting for

Open Letter on Prioritising Child Protection in
Welcoming Mr. Fletcher to His New Role as UN Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs! On behalf of the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action and the Global Child Protection...
Open Letter on Prioritising Child Protection in

World Children’s Day 2024: Listen to the Future
This World Children’s Day, the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action is proud to celebrate the theme Listen to the Future, highlighting the voices, experiences, and skills of children...
World Children’s Day 2024: Listen to the Future

Have Your Say! Take the 2025 Annual Meeting Theme Survey
The Alliance is gearing up for the 2025 Annual Meeting, and we want to hear from YOU! This is your chance to shape the focus of our discussions and ensure we address the most pressing issues in child...
Have Your Say! Take the 2025 Annual Meeting Theme Survey

Now Available in Turkish - Primary Prevention Framework
The Alliance is excited to announce that the Primary Prevention Framework Introductory Learning Package is now available in Turkish! The package is designed to strengthen participants’ overall...
Now Available in Turkish - Primary Prevention Framework

Global Protection Forum 2024 - Reminder to Register!
The Global Protection Cluster is delighted to invite you to join the Global Protection Forum 2024! This series of virtual events on current topics and emerging issues, in collaboration with a range of...
Global Protection Forum 2024 - Reminder to Register!

Join Us in Bogotá at the Global EVA Min Con – Events to
The Alliance would like to highlight four critical events during the 1st Global Ministerial Conference on Ending Violence Against Children in Bogotá, Colombia. These events contribute to ensuring a...
Join Us in Bogotá at the Global EVA Min Con – Events to

New Webpage Alert! Protecting Child Protection in
The Alliance is pleased to announce that a new webpage dedicated to Child Protection in Infectious Disease Outbreaks (IDOs)! This new thematic hub is designed to support practitioners working in...
New Webpage Alert! Protecting Child Protection in

The Alliance MOOC’s available for FREE - Ending March 2025!
We wanted to share an important update about two of our Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) hosted on FutureLearn— both are available for free, but only until March 2025! If you haven’t enrolled yet...
The Alliance MOOC’s available for FREE - Ending March 2025!

Alternative Care in Emergency Survey on Needs, Approaches,
The Alliance Unaccompanied and Separated Children (UASC) Task Force is undertaking this survey to understand: What alternative care needs exist in a range of humanitarian and crisis-prone contexts...
Alternative Care in Emergency Survey on Needs, Approaches,

World Humanitarian Day 2024
2023 was the deadliest year on record for humanitarian workers. 2024 could be even worse. These facts lay bare a glaring truth: the world is failing humanitarian workers and, by extension, the people...
World Humanitarian Day 2024

Now Available in Spanish and Arabic! e-Modules on Child
Now available in English , French , Spanish , and Arabic ! Check out the latest e-modules on ‘ Child Protection Mainstreaming in Food Security and Nutrition Programming’ on the Alliance E-Learning Hub...
Now Available in Spanish and Arabic! e-Modules on Child

Deadline Extended! Complete the Survey on Capacities &
Reminder to participate in the joint survey on Capacities & Learning Needs in Child Protection in Humanitarian Action! Deadline extended to 9th August 2024. Your feedback is extremely important to...
Deadline Extended! Complete the Survey on Capacities &

Sign up for the FREE online, facilitated course on the CPMS!
Do you want to learn about our sector’s minimum standards? Are you curious about how to put them into practice? How about becoming a champion of the Minimum Standards for Child Protection in...
Sign up for the FREE online, facilitated course on the CPMS!

Available now! Recordings & Live Drawings from the 2024
Thank you to everyone who attended the 2024 Annual Meeting for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action! This year’s annual meeting hosted 148 participants in Panama City and engaged 594 viewers during...
Available now! Recordings & Live Drawings from the 2024

CPHA and Climate Intersectionality Learning Needs Analysis
Now and for decades to come, climate change will exacerbate child protection risks and threats to the safety and mental health of children, and further inequity through its intergenerational impacts...
CPHA and Climate Intersectionality Learning Needs Analysis

Project Update from the Accountability to Children
This update, from the Accountability to Children Initiative on the Inclusive and Accountable: Participatory Accountability Mechanisms for Children and Accessible Humanitarian Action for Adolescent...
Project Update from the Accountability to Children

New Resources for Working Across Sectors
The whole humanitarian system has a role to play in realising children’s rights, including their right to protection. Greater collaboration, action, and investment are needed to ensure all...
New Resources for Working Across Sectors

Call for Pilot Sites! Using the CPMS as a Tool of
The CPMS provide a benchmark for us, as child protection actors in humanitarian settings, to improve the quality and accountability of our programming and increase our impact by establishing agreed...
Call for Pilot Sites! Using the CPMS as a Tool of

Updated! Introductory Learning Package for the Primary
The CPHA Primary Prevention Introductory Learning Package has been updated and is now available in Arabic, English, French and Spanish. This package is designed to strengthen participants’ overall...
Updated! Introductory Learning Package for the Primary

Express your Interest to Attend the 2024 Annual Meeting -
Thank you to everyone who expressed their interest to attend the 2024 Annual Meeting! The organising team will be in touch with you by early April regarding your acceptance. If you have further...
Express your Interest to Attend the 2024 Annual Meeting -

Red Hand Day 2024
February 12th marks adoption of the Optional Protocol of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child for the protection of children in armed conflict. Also known as ‘ Red Hand Day’ , this day of...
Red Hand Day 2024

Opportunity to Contribute to INEE’s New Strategic Framework
One of the Alliance's long-standing partners, the Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE), has launched a call for feedback process for its draft new strategic framework. This...
Opportunity to Contribute to INEE’s New Strategic Framework

Upcoming Online Training! CPHA Competency Framework
The L&D Working Group at the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action is pleased to invite applications to participate in a short training on the CPHA Competency Framework and its...
Upcoming Online Training! CPHA Competency Framework

Calls for Urgent Action! The Unprotected: Overview of the
As we reflect on 2023 and embark on a new year, the Alliance is deeply concerned about the devastating consequences of increasing armed conflict, climate-induced emergencies, and disasters associated...
Calls for Urgent Action! The Unprotected: Overview of the

Now Hiring! Prevention Focal Point
Plan USA, on behalf of the Alliance, is seeking an experienced and enthusiastic professional with a focus on primary preventative approaches to child protection. The Alliance launched its Prevention...
Now Hiring! Prevention Focal Point

Submit an Abstract for the 2024 Annual Meeting - CLOSED
If you are submitting an Abstract for the Annual Meeting, please ensure all identified presenters and/or speakers ALSO fill out this Expression of Interest Form! The Alliance for Child Protection in...
Submit an Abstract for the 2024 Annual Meeting - CLOSED

A Year in Review, 2023 - The Alliance
As we approach the end of 2023, the Alliance would like to express our gratitude to our valued members and partners for your continued commitment and dedication to inter-agency work to ensure the...
A Year in Review, 2023 - The Alliance

Alliance Pledges at the Global Refugee Forum 2023
At the Global Refuge Forum 2023, the Alliance is proud to announce two joint-pledges to make a lasting impact on the lives of children affected by refugee and displacement situations, their families...
Alliance Pledges at the Global Refugee Forum 2023

World Children's Day 2023
On World Children’s Day 2023, the Alliance is deeply concerned about the devastating consequences of increasing conflict, climate-induced emergencies, and natural disasters, on children around the...
World Children's Day 2023

2024 Annual Meeting Theme Survey
Please complete this quick survey to share your ideas for the theme of the 2024 Annual Meeting for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action! The survey is available in English, French, Spanish and...
2024 Annual Meeting Theme Survey

UPDATE: Global Training of Facilitators on Engaging
Due to ongoing insecurity in the region, the Alliance has postponed the Training of Facilitators that was to be held from 4-8 in Beirut, Lebanon. The new training dates and location will be shared as...
UPDATE: Global Training of Facilitators on Engaging

Introducing the Competency Development Guide as part of the
The Learning & Development Working Group are excited to announce the release of the Competency Development Guide (CDG) as part of the CPHA Competency Framework! Developed with practitioners in mind...
Introducing the Competency Development Guide as part of the

Join our session at the 2023 Global Protection Forum!
Each year, the Global Protection Cluster (GPC), including its Areas of Responsibility and its Strategic Advisory Group, organizes a Global Protection Forum with partners and field coordinators to...
Join our session at the 2023 Global Protection Forum!

Survey to Inform the Inter-Agency Guidelines for Case
Please note this survey is now closed. Take part in this Alliance Survey to update the 2014 Child Protection and Case Management Guidelines! WHY: The primary objectives of this survey are as follows...
Survey to Inform the Inter-Agency Guidelines for Case

New Training Package! UASC Training of Trainers
The Unaccompanied and Separated Children (UASC) Task Force is thrilled to announce the release of the UASC Training of Trainers Learning Package! The course is designed to prepare participants to...
New Training Package! UASC Training of Trainers

Now Live! New Alliance E-Learning Hub
The new Alliance E-Learning Hub is now live, and available here via the Kaya Connect platform! The Alliance E-Learning Hub is home to all of the Alliance’s learning and development resources. The...
Now Live! New Alliance E-Learning Hub

NEW RESOURCE! Guidance Note for Integrated Child Protection
New Guidance Note on Supporting Integrated Child Protection and Education Programming in Humanitarian Action! This guidance note by the Alliance and INEE aims to promote integration and collaboration...
NEW RESOURCE! Guidance Note for Integrated Child Protection

Call for Applications! Training of Facilitators on Engaging
The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action is offering a training opportunity on the recently launched inter-agency Community Volunteer Toolkit and Training Manual. With funding from...
Call for Applications! Training of Facilitators on Engaging

Call for Papers and Presenters! East and Southern Africa
Members of the Regional GBV Working Group for East and Southern Africa are pleased to share that we will be hosting a regional Symposium on Male Child and Adolescent Survivors of Gender-Based Violence...
Call for Papers and Presenters! East and Southern Africa

Available now! Recordings & Drawings from the 2023
Want to revisit any of the sessions from the 2023 Annual Meeting for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action? Don’t worry! All the session recordings and live drawings are available to review and...
Available now! Recordings & Drawings from the 2023

New Report! UNPROTECTED: Analysis of Funding for Child
Underfunded humanitarian programs are leaving children in conflict-affected areas unprotected — and it could get worse Children living in situations of armed conflict and in dire need of life-saving...
New Report! UNPROTECTED: Analysis of Funding for Child

ALL LEVELS Now Available! Child Protection Case Management
The Case Management Task Force is proud to present the updated the Child Protection Case Management Training Package for caseworkers in humanitarian settings! This training package is the result of...
ALL LEVELS Now Available! Child Protection Case Management

Advocating for the Protection of Children – Getting the
A bank of key advocacy messages for child protection and a guide to support contextualisation of the messages will be developed in 2023 and launched in 2024! Which topics or issues would you like to...
Advocating for the Protection of Children – Getting the

New UNICEF Report! The State of the World’s Children 2023
The world is facing a red alert for children’s health: Routine vaccination coverage dropped sharply during the COVID-19 pandemic. UNICEF’s latest report, The State of the World’s Children 2023: For...
New UNICEF Report! The State of the World’s Children 2023

New Guidance Note! Qualitative Assessment Approaches for
Children with disabilities are particularly vulnerable in humanitarian settings, yet they are often not able to access the services and protection they need. While multiple factors create these...
New Guidance Note! Qualitative Assessment Approaches for

Online Survey - Addressing Recruitment of Children by Armed
Building on existing resources such as the Paris Principles Operational Handbook and the CAAFAG Toolkit, the CAAFAG Taskforce is developing a new Technical Note on recruitment and use of AGDTO, on the...
Online Survey - Addressing Recruitment of Children by Armed

New Resources in Turkish Available! Key CPHA Resources for
The following resources support the provision of Child Protection, and the psychosocial support and wellbeing of children, caregivers and parents, and communities who have been affected by the...
New Resources in Turkish Available! Key CPHA Resources for

Hot Off the Press! Background Paper on Child Labour and
The Alliance Child Labour Task Force and the Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies is pleased to share the latest background paper on Child Labour and Education in Humanitarian Settings...
Hot Off the Press! Background Paper on Child Labour and

Registration Open! 2023 Annual Meeting for Child Protection
The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action (the Alliance) is organising the 2023 Annual Meeting for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action over a virtual platform on the 12th - 15th of...
Registration Open! 2023 Annual Meeting for Child Protection

Infographic Deadline 25 April - Call for Abstracts for the
Abstract Update! Thank you those who submitted an abstract for either a knowledge/practice or strategic advocacy session. We are currently in the review process and will email if your submission has...
Infographic Deadline 25 April - Call for Abstracts for the

Call for Applications! Online Training for Primary
The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action, with support from USAID’s Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance, is offering a learning opportunity on the Primary Prevention Framework. The...
Call for Applications! Online Training for Primary

Calling on Education and Child Protection Practitioners -
Much energy went into promoting closer collaboration between Child Protection and Education actors over the last two years - but is it working? If you worked in a humanitarian setting in the last two...
Calling on Education and Child Protection Practitioners -

Call for Applications! CPHA CPMS Learning Programme
The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action, in collaboration with Daystar University and Save the Children, invites applications for a Horn of Africa regional pilot of the CPHA CPMS...
Call for Applications! CPHA CPMS Learning Programme

Red Hand Day 2023
Today, 12th February is ‘Red Hand Day’, the international awareness day that aims to remind the international community to strengthen efforts to end the recruitment and use of children in armed...
Red Hand Day 2023

Learn Online with Us in Spanish!
Primary Prevention for the Protection of Children and Adolescents in Humanitarian Action! What will you learn? The Primary Prevention Framework for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action was...
Learn Online with Us in Spanish!

Call for Good Practices on Child Rights Legislative Reform
The UNICEF Human Rights Unit is partnering with the University of Leiden to develop an up-to-date, user-friendly website to guide Governments in incorporating the Convention on the Rights of the Child...
Call for Good Practices on Child Rights Legislative Reform
New Video Series! Primary Prevention for Child Protection
Watch this short video series to learn about Primary Prevention and the importance of prevention for the protection of children in humanitarian action. Videos series includes: What is Prevention? -...
New Video Series! Primary Prevention for Child Protection

The 2023 Annual Meeting Theme Survey - Share your ideas!
Please complete this quick survey to share your ideas for the theme of the 2023 Annual Meeting for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action! The survey is available in English, French, Spanish and...
The 2023 Annual Meeting Theme Survey - Share your ideas!

New MOOC! Programme Design for Children Associated with
Our Massive Open Online Course on programme development for CAAFAG is now available is English, and soon in French and Spanish. This six-week (3h per week) course from the Alliance for Child...
New MOOC! Programme Design for Children Associated with

Capacity Sharing among Local and International Actors to
Background: The Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) is the highest-level humanitarian coordination forum of the United Nations system which It brings together the executive heads of 18...
Capacity Sharing among Local and International Actors to

Preventing and Responding to Child Labour in Humanitarian
The Child Labour Task Force, in collaboration with the Global CP AoR, would like to offer a free, online learning opportunity to further explore the guidance and tools to strengthen overall...
Preventing and Responding to Child Labour in Humanitarian

Celebrating World Children's Day 2022
On this World Children’s Day, the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action and partners created a short video advocating for the INCLUSION of children of all ages, genders, abilities, and...
Celebrating World Children's Day 2022

Hot off the Press! Guidance Note on Primary Prevention of
In 2021, the Alliance published the Primary Prevention Framework for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action (the Framework). This was developed due to the recognition that whilst there has been...
Hot off the Press! Guidance Note on Primary Prevention of

CPMS Mini Course
Do you want to learn about Child Protection Minimum Standards? Are you curious about how to put them into practice? How about becoming a CPMS champion? Sign up for the pilot of our free-of-charge mini...
CPMS Mini Course

Global Protection Forum 2022 | Child and Adolescent
As part of the ‘ Global Protection Forum 2022 – Access that Protects’, The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action, alongside Save the Children, the Global Child Protection Area of...
Global Protection Forum 2022 | Child and Adolescent

Newsletter - Happening This Month At the Alliance!
Find out what the Alliance has been working on by reading our newsletter! This September 2022 edition summarizes Alliance efforts to advocate for the centrality of children and their protection and...
Newsletter - Happening This Month At the Alliance!

Share your perspective! 📣 CAAFAG Task Force Work Plan 2025
The CAAFAG Task Force is about to review its Work Plan until 2025. At this occasion, we would like to hear your perspectives on what the CAAFAG task force should be doing to respond to your needs...
Share your perspective! 📣 CAAFAG Task Force Work Plan 2025

Introducing... Impact of School Closures on Child
After much anticipation, we are excited to share the Impact of School Closures on Child Protection and Education Inequalities in Three Humanitarian Contexts Research Report and Advocacy Briefs. Along...
Introducing... Impact of School Closures on Child

World Humanitarian Day 2022
There is a saying that goes: It takes a village to raise a child. Similarly, it takes a village to support a person in a humanitarian crisis. With record-high humanitarian needs around the world, this...
World Humanitarian Day 2022

2022 Annual Meeting Recordings Playlist
We welcome you to watch the 2022 Annual Meeting recordings provided in English, French, Spanish and Arabic! The 2022 Annual Meeting centred around discussions dedicated to: Promoting the Centrality of...
2022 Annual Meeting Recordings Playlist

We Are Hiring! Project Manager Consultant
We are seeking a Project Manger to support the Alliance with planning, reporting, monitoring and evaluation (M&E), grant management, and fundraising activities for the Alliance Secretariat, Working...
We Are Hiring! Project Manager Consultant

Register Today! Community-Level Prevention: Release and
Join the CAAFAG Task Force for a webinar focusing on the involvement of the community in the prevention of recruitment and use, the facilitation of release, and the reintegration of children...
Register Today! Community-Level Prevention: Release and

Where: https://changemakersforchildren.community/CPHA-community When: 13 June 2022, 8:00 - 9:00 BST/ 9:00 - 10:00 CEST/15:00 - 16:00 HK/ 11:00 - 12:00 EAT Who: Simon Hills and Silvia Oñate from the...
The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action (the Alliance) is organizing the 2022 Annual Meeting for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action over a virtual platform from the 20th to 22nd...
“Ask the Alliance and Friends” Event for the 2022 World Day
When: 13 June 2022, 8:00 - 9:00 BST/ 9:00 - 10:00 CEST/15:00 - 16:00 HK/ 11:00 - 12:00 EAT Where: https://changemakersforchildren.community/CPHA-community Who: Simon Hills and Silvia Oñate from the...
“Ask the Alliance and Friends” Event for the 2022 World Day

Registration Open Now: The 2022 Annual Meeting for Child
The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action (the Alliance) is organizing the 2022 Annual Meeting for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action over a virtual platform from the 20th to 22nd...
Registration Open Now: The 2022 Annual Meeting for Child

Hot Off the Press from the CAAFAG Task Force - April 2022
MHPSS in CAAFAG Programmes Resource Package: It is an inter-agency package of resources that aims to support the integration of MHPSS into programmes for the prevention, release, and reintegration of...
Hot Off the Press from the CAAFAG Task Force - April 2022
Coming Soon from the L&D Working Group!
The L&D WG is working on several products but the ones that are really close to being available are: 1) A one day learning package on the CPHA Primary Prevention Framework is going to be available as...
Coming Soon from the L&D Working Group!
New Co-Leading Agency of the AME Working Group
We are pleased to announce that Innocenti, UNICEF's Office of Research, has been confirmed as the new co-lead of the Assessment, Measurement and Evidence Working Group alongside Word Vision. Innocenti...
New Co-Leading Agency of the AME Working Group
Updates from the L&D Working Group - April 2022
Find the L&D Working Group Updates for Apirl 2022 below: New Video! We have developed a new short video on the CPHA Competency Framework. Watch here! We want to hear from you - Tertiary Learning...
Updates from the L&D Working Group - April 2022
CPHA Frontliner Getting Started Learning Package Now
The Alliance is pleased to announce that the CPHA Frontliner Getting Started Learning Package has been translated into Ukrainian and Polish and is now available. The CPHA Frontliner package has been...
CPHA Frontliner Getting Started Learning Package Now

Survey for the Development of Guidance on Cross Sector
To all practitioners working with CAAFAG, The CAAFAG task force would like to hear from you! ☆ We are planning to develop two guidance notes focusing on cross sector collaboration in the...
Survey for the Development of Guidance on Cross Sector
Child Protection Minimum Standards Summary now available in
The summary version of the 2019 Edition of the Minimum Standards for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action (CPMS) is now available in Ukrainian! This summary outlines the all of the principals and...
Child Protection Minimum Standards Summary now available in
Facilitating Community-Led Child Protection Approaches:
Launching 28 March - A moderated WhatsApp learning group for child protection practitioners What should we consider when facilitating a community-led child protection approach? Watch a short weekly...
Facilitating Community-Led Child Protection Approaches:

News | Inviting Applications: Co-leadership Case Management
Exciting opportunity! The Alliance is looking for an agency to take up the co-leadership of the Case Management Task Force, joining the International Rescue Committee as the existing co-lead. The Case...
News | Inviting Applications: Co-leadership Case Management
2022 Annual Meeting Call for Abstracts NOW OPEN
2022 Virtual Annual Meeting of the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action Promoting the Centrality of Children and their Protection in Humanitarian Action through Accountability...
2022 Annual Meeting Call for Abstracts NOW OPEN
Child Protection Resources for Ukraine - Available in
The recent crisis in Ukraine has disrupted the lives of many children and families. Since late February, the worsening crisis has resulted in the displacement of millions of people, many of whom are...
Child Protection Resources for Ukraine - Available in
Coming Up! Launch of the CAAFAG Programme Development
The CAAFAG task force is very pleased to announce the launch of the CAAFAG Programme Development Toolkit on the 16th of February at 9 am EST/ 3 pm CET. The objective of the toolkit is to provide field...
Coming Up! Launch of the CAAFAG Programme Development

Working Across Sectors Microsite and Toolkit
Collaborating across humanitarian sectors is crucial to protecting children, promoting their well-being, and making the most of available funding. The CPMS Working Group’s “Working Across Sectors”...
Working Across Sectors Microsite and Toolkit
Save the Date! Launch of the Community Volunteer Toolkit
On March 8th at 2:00 pm CET, the Alliance will host a global launch the Community Volunteer Toolkit and Training Manual: Part 1. Volunteers’ Roles in Case Management Our vision is that these new...
Save the Date! Launch of the Community Volunteer Toolkit

Updates from the CAAFAG Task Force
Introducing the Online CAAFAG Community of Practice The CAAFAG task force has officially launched the online CAAFAG community! This is an online space on the platform Changemakers for Children where...
Updates from the CAAFAG Task Force
Seeing Forced Displacement and Protection Through a Child’s
Ever wondered what forced displacement looks like to children and what protection means to them? If so, you may want to check «I am Mariam», an Arabic-language illustrated storybook about a young girl...
Seeing Forced Displacement and Protection Through a Child’s
Updates from the L&D Working Group
Freshly translated! In an effort to make all Learning and Development Working Group products accessible to a greater audience over the last few weeks of 2021 we were able to translate: The CPHA...
Updates from the L&D Working Group
Seeking a new agency to take up the co-leadership of the
Exciting opportunity! The Alliance is looking for an agency to take up the co-leadership of the Assessment, Measurement and Evidence Working Group, joining World Vision International as the existing...
Seeking a new agency to take up the co-leadership of the
News | Official Launch of the NEW Child Protection in
The Alliance and the Global Child Protection Area of Responsibility are thrilled to announce that the Child Protection in Humanitarian Action (CPHA) Community of Practice is now LIVE!! The community...
News | Official Launch of the NEW Child Protection in

CPHA Community of Practice
The Alliance and the Global Child Protection Area of Responsibility are thrilled to host the Child Protection in Humanitarian Action (CPHA) Community of Practice! The community is an online space for...
CPHA Community of Practice
Prevention Initiative Update
Primary Prevention CPHA Position Paper: Prior to the 2021 Annaul Meeting, the Alliance released “From Theory to Practice: Towards a Framework for Primary Prevention in Child Protection in Humanitarian...
Prevention Initiative Update
Concerned that your programming doesn’t see the whole child
This new 10-minute video unpacks how to implement a socio-ecological approach and develop adequate strategies in child protection. Through an overview of the Child Protection Minimum Standards’ Pillar...
Concerned that your programming doesn’t see the whole child
Launch of the Strategic Plan 2021-2025 - Join us on 6
The Alliance is pleased to announce the external launch event of the 2021-2025 Strategic Plan on the 6th of December 2021 from 3 to 4 pm CET. Please join to learn more about the Clarion Call: The...
Launch of the Strategic Plan 2021-2025 - Join us on 6
New resources from the L&D Working Group
Reminders! In September 2021 the L&D Working Group released a comprehensive set of learning resources on adapting programming in the Context of COVID-19. All resources are available in English, French...
New resources from the L&D Working Group
Please disseminate widely! CPHA Community of Practice
As announced during the Annual Meeting, we have partnered with the Child Protection Area of Responsibility to set up a new CPHA community of practice on Changemakers for Children. We are very excited...
Please disseminate widely! CPHA Community of Practice
Thank you for another successful Annual Meeting!
This past 4-8 October, the Alliance held its Annual Meeting. The theme was “ Preventing Harm to Children”. 679 unique users participated to the online event. During the week, we had the opportunity to...
Thank you for another successful Annual Meeting!
Updates from the CAAFAG Task Force
Preventing child recruitment and strengthening reintegration: Launch of the Growing Strong Together Parenting Resource Package. The Parenting Resource Package was launched on the 23rd of November and...
Updates from the CAAFAG Task Force
World Children's Day 2021
On the occasion of World's Children Day, The Alliance together with the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child and the Children’s Environmental Rights Initiative (CERI) issued a Statement reiterating...
World Children's Day 2021
Virtual Launch of the Alliance Strategy - Registration Open!
The Government of Norway & The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action Cordially invite you to the launch of The Alliance Strategy ‘ A Clarion Call: The Centrality of Children and their...
Virtual Launch of the Alliance Strategy - Registration Open!
The 2021 Annual Meeting for Child Protection in
We are holding the 5th Annual Meeting on Child Protection in Humanitarian Action over a virtual platform starting on Monday, 4th to 8h of October 2021. This year's meeting will include 5 half-days of...
The 2021 Annual Meeting for Child Protection in