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Our Vision


The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action ("The Alliance") envisions a world in which children are protected from abuse, neglect, exploitation and violence in humanitarian settings.

Our Mission

Support the efforts of humanitarian actors to achieve high-quality and effective child protection interventions in both refugee and non-refugee humanitarian contexts.

Key Alliance Materials

alliance strategy

At a Glance



Member organisations with unique focuses, scopes and Areas of operation

over 60%


Are local & National member organisations

5 categories of work

bullet points

Standard setting and guidance development, capacity strengthening, learning and development, evidence and knowledge generation, advocacy and convening

Upcoming Events and Webinars

Webinar | Healing Futures: Case Management for Children Associated with Armed Forces and Armed Groups

Children associated with armed forces and armed groups (CAAFAG) face unique and complex challenges that impede their reintegration into their family and community. This webinar aims to discuss these challenges and explore effective case management strategies tailored specifically for CAAFAG through...

HNPW Session | Child Protection in the Context of Climate Crises: Addressing Intersectionality in Humanitarian Action

The climate crisis exacerbates child protection risks, threatening the safety, mental health, and psychosocial well-being of children, as well as exacerbating inequity through its intergenerational impacts. The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action (the Alliance) recently conducted a...

NEW DATES - Alliance Virtual Meet-Ups in Arabic, English, and Spanish

Let’s Connect at the Alliance Virtual Meet-Ups - Additional Meet-Ups in Arabic, English, and Spanish have been added! Overview and Benefits of Joining the Virtual Meet-Ups: The Alliance Secretariat is glad to invite you to quarterly open online session to offer a casual platform to: Ask any...

Latest resources

Bank of Key Advocacy Messages for Child Protection in

Children have the right to be protected from abuse, neglect, exploitation, and violence, enabling them to develop to their full potential and thrive. This is true regardless of where children live...

Child Protection Case Management Actions for Sudden

The Child Protection Case Management Task Force (CMTF) of the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action has developed guidance on exit strategies for child protection case management...

Brief | Child Wellbeing Matters: Improving Case Management

More than one in six of the world's children lived in areas affected by armed conflicts in 2024. During a crisis, children are at increased risk of violence, abuse, exploitation, and neglect because...

Latest news

Take our Survey! What impact are funding cuts having on

Take 5 minutes to share what you’re seeing! We are gathering data on how recent funding cuts are affecting children worldwide. We need your insights to help us: Identify key areas of impact Advocate...

Responding to the Impact of Reduced Funding for CPHA

In times of crises, ensuring the continuity and impact of child protection programming is essential. The Alliance has developed key resources to support advocacy efforts and case management in the...

Join the Alliance at HNPW 2025 – Register for Two Key

The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action invites you to join us at Humanitarian Networks and Partnerships Week (HNPW) 2025. HNPW is one of the world’s largest humanitarian events...

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